Couples, Couples Everywhere

but I am still alone. There's no one around who I'm really interested in though. Still, it would be nice to be in a relationship for once. I've never been in one. Perhaps I'm not emotionally ready for one. Perhaps I'm to dull too be in one. Too shy? Or maybe I'm too picky. That could be it. Then again, people really don't date at Westminster. Ah well. C'est le vi. Easter was good. Saw the fam. Got a few books from "Mr. E. Bunny." One of which is "The Tough Guide to Fantasyland" by Diana Wynne Jones. I like it alot. It points out a lot fantasy cliches in a funny manner. For example, the entry for Dark Lady is "There is never one of these- so see DARK LORD instead. The Management considers that male Dark Ones have more potential to be sinister, and seldom if ever employs a female in this role. This is purely because the Management was boorn to late to meet my Great Aunt Clara." I would highly recommend this book as it is good for a few laughs and is helpful in avoiding fantasy cliches. What's sad is, I can recognize a lot of the things that she talks about in books or movies that I've seen. ~Amyelk Out
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