Quick note of explanation about the MBTI

Feeling: adored
Quick note of explanation about the MBTI for those who stumble here and wonder ‘What the Heck is this all about?’ Also in answer to ‘Bobs’ question. (I got some comments! -does happy dance-). There are four dichotomies, namely: Introversion - Extroversion (note: introverts still socialize, this just refers to how you gather energy) Intuition - Sensing Thinking - feeling (Note: Feelers still think, and thinkers still feel, this just states how you make decisions) Judging - Perciving (Note: this is how you go about getting tasks done/ how opinionated you are) A type is a person’s personality, such as INFJ, or ESFJ, etcetera. The MBTI, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, is a test used to determine this type and also is a slang used to refer to personality type theory. Many people have studied this form of science. Keirsey has created four distinct temperaments that can aid a person in determining someone’s type. The temperaments are as follows: NF Idealists, NT Rationales, SP Artisans, and the SJ Guardians. Think of me as an INFJ, I am going to claim INFJ as my type until I find significant proof telling me that I am something else. The biggest thing that casts doubt onto my being an INFJ is my lack of Fe. For more information on this subject , visit Best Fit Type this particular site is my favorite, they have the BEST profiles and provide information about all kinds of things related to type. Also, please do not ask me about percentages when it comes to my testing out on these things, for many of these tests offer percentages for each letter, I only remember the percentage if they had some kind of neat novelty value them e.g. 1%. Also, the percent doesn’t really matter, what matters is whether or not the letter fits, although if the percentage is extremely low when test, check the other side of the dichotomy to see which side really fits. After all, tests all fallible. To finish things up, heres another test result. I am so addicted to these things ^^. I just love quizzes like these in case you haven’t figured that out yet. I am going to die at 82. When are you? Click here to find out! I disagree with this test, people in my family tend to live well into their 90s, thus I believe I’ll live to around then too. Unless of course I start running around with the mafia or something ^^;. ~Amyelk Out
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