I'm Going to Do it!

I'm going to send Tyler a birthday card in May, his birthday is on the 31st, and I will put my home address in it, so that I can have a 'ha ha I knew it!' Moment when he doesn't write me back -Kayley still thinks he'll write, so does Leah-It's just easier for me to write him believing that he won't write me back! Kayley's here for the weekend, and that's why she went to the Mac with us/ is argueing with me face to face. :P Well, Kayley and I just got back from the Mac! Not "Mr. Mac" the clothing place of course! Its a danceing place, I'm actually getting better at following and am feeling less insecure about my ability to dance. Kayley had fun, so did I! I danced with Jameson 3 times, I think he felt guilty about forgetting my name. Or maybe he just liked dancing with me because we're almost exactly the same height. ~Amyelk Out
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