Experiencing Vs. Observing

It's seems that during the last end of high school I started to observe and analize life instead of experiencing it. It really isn't the best way to be. I guess I'm trying to figure out how to get back into experiencing life again, or perhaps I'm waiting for something to happen that will force me to experience life again instead of just observing. I've got a five personality profile due on Thursday and I have no idea what questions I'm going to ask. I haven't even talked to the person who I'm going to interview yet and it's due tuesday. Part of the problem is that she's new and I'm having problems finding her name on the school's websight! I'm sure I'll find it, somehow. I think I finally figured why I made an effort to contact Tyler. It's simply that I'm emotionally unresolved over him and I need resovle. This is difficult to get with him being on an entirely different continent. Then again, maybe if he stopped writing to me all together that might create emotional resolve for me because then I would know that he didn't want to be me around for certain. As is, I don't know if he wants to be my friend, or even if I want to be his because I don't know him all that well. I haven't heard from him in a while. Perhaps I will get emotional resolve from this. Hmm, I don't know. A part of me still adores him, as unsensible as that may seem. I want to believe in him and me, but I think our senses of humour amoung other things may be too different. I just don't know. It's not like I can pull too much on him right after he gets home either since he'll probably be in the return missionary bubble for a while. Unless he extends, he'll probably be back in June, I think I can start pulling stuff to get this resolve by Christmas break next year. Almost a year to go. I can wait. Waiting for his next letter may be killing me, but I can wait. I may get impaitient, but I CAN wait. ~Amyelk Out
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