Eileen, you're DA BOMB!

Euuuuuuuuurrrrgggggggggggghhhh. And that's pretty much how I feel right now. YAY ME! one Assembly this morning. Left the house at about 7.40am and saw Natalie at the tram stop, but we were three lanes away so I didn't shout out to her. Picked up Nicole and went to school. two Standing around for about half an hour, not rehearsing at all, so Bec decided that we needed to get reports from the leaders. I then found out that Bec Spencer has bullied Bec Hackett since year 8, which actually made me REALLY sad. Therefore I had to go ask Bec for her report because Hackett didn't want to, understandably. I'm actually still upset about it now, and it's like 10 hours later. The conversation with Bec was awkward, because she didn't know what to write for the report, but neither did I. I told her to ask Mrs Graham. three "Bonjour tout le monde." "I wrote that!" four We got up there and said our thing. Everybody laughed when I said mine. I didn't get why, it wasn't funny. five Ms Kirkwood came around to our Leader's corner. Hugged Bec Spencer, talked to Alysia about her drama performance. I tried to get away. Nicole didn't move fast enough. "YOU!" *points* "Eileen! You said that just like a real teacher!" *beams* Then I realised why everyone laughed. six THEN WE GOT ANGRY AT HER AND STARTED SAYING WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS "VIEWING THE YEAR 12'S WORKS IN PROGRESS DURING LUNCHTIME" THING? WE NEVER FUCKING AGREED TO THAT! It was funny though. She just laughed. "You knew about it girls!" Oh fuck off. seven "Hey, it's EILEEN!! HAHAHAHHAHA!" "Hey, Eileen, YOU'RE DA BOMB!" I got shit from my friends about being the super bubbly loud teacher-like person that everyone found hilarious. eight Ellie got kicked out of Maths. nine Ellie got high. ten Ellie came to Design Tech high. eleven "HEY GUYS! WE ARE DEFINITELY GETTING REVIEWED!!!!" "WHAT?!?!?! WALSHY!!" Then everyone refused to talk to Ms Walsh because she didn't tell us, even though she had known for weeks. Ellouise then sucked up to her with chocolate. twelve In the car on the way home Kira told me what Bec Spencer did to Bec Hackett in Studio last year before I joined their class and she left. It upset me so much. I nearly cried for Hackett, because she is so small and nice... small as in the shy sense, she's actually tall. But it's so mean-spirited, Spencer had always been nice to me even though I hated her. I never, ever knew. Hackett said it's because "I'm a loser. I don't blame her." That's just so ridiculous. Twelve things about a day I actually loved. Thirteenth would've been the textas and oil pastels, my loves, but I'm not one to tempt fate and my own luck. Gilmore Girls is on and has been for 10 minutes exohex
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