
Last night, while I was watching the Glass House, Hughesy said something about the fact that we would all be dead anyway and wouldn't be able to see the effects of the evolution these scientists were talking about. I got really upset and started thinking about the fact that one day I would be dead. THIS REALLY PISSED ME OFF, BECAUSE I WANTED TO WATCH THE GLASS HOUSE!! But nooo, I had to sit there worrying. Add to the fact that I was really upset that there would be no more Studio Arts, and I was afraid I was on the verge of depression. Anyway. I got two letters today. Letter 1. [Fine Arts @ Monash] "Thanks for applying. Here, have an interview." (OH FUCK I just realised I applied to PRINTMEDIA!! SHIT! Why didn't I apply to drawing?! YOU. IDIOT. Mannnnn...) Letter 2. [Visual Communication @ Monsh] "Thanks for applying. We assessed your preselection kit, and guess what? We liked it! YAY! So here, have an interview." So. Yep. I'm going to go and cry in a corner because I just realised that I applied to Fine Arts printmedia and now I have to put together a folio of printmedia works, 12-15 of them, which I don't have. Man, I hate art. Oh, no you don't Eileen. Shut up.
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