So here it is...

So here it is: Merry Christmas, everybody's having fun... You know, I can't actually believe it, but I think even I have peaked a tad early with the whole Christmas cheer thing. I mean, we did start in October, I think next year I'm going to pace myself. We actually got a tree today! I walked in about 15 mins ago [1:30am and for some reason my family was still up...] and the first thing they said after I said "Huh. Tree." was "You have to decorate it." Pssht, 'sif I even have time! I'm working tomorrow and I'm shopping on Monday... Whatever. I completely missed the Mackey Christmas celebrations today. Mum didn't go because of the shit that went down with Grandpa and Rick didn't go because... he couldn't be fucked, so there was very little point in me going especially as I'd only be at the restaurant for an hour before leaving for work. I felt kind of bad, but I broke the news to Adrienne last night. Her response was disappointment, because she was looking forward to mocking the young ones with me, but I got her back with the fact that she skipped last year for work. I win! I avoided Jack's pestering on Facebook though, yet to log in to check out his response. Anyway it was weird, my brother is watching the soccer and all of a sudden the Slade song I referenced above was being sung by the crowd. We put the Christmas carols on at work this afternoon, but Ramez has decided that that song in particular is our song. Jussy got a bit huffy when she heard that; "You have a song AND a meeting place?!" Well, it is me and Ramez after all. I turned the carols off as soon as we closed the doors, and turned on 1234 by Feist. All of a sudden Tess yells "I HAVE THAT SONG IN MY HEAD!" and sure enough, she continued to have it in her head the entire night. Only thing was, everytime she sung the 1234 bit she would follow it up with "I declare a thumb war." It was a vicious cycle that could not be broken. Tian and Simon are going to be together forever. You can see it when they're together. It's easy to forget that sometimes, but there's something so content about the way they are together. Angelica wanted my necklace. I knew she would. We went to Tas' bar and ran into Angelica's friend Reece. We were discussing Tasia's full name [Nastacia] and we found it amusing to suppose what it would be like if her [hypothetical] boyfriend had a lisp. "Nathtathia!" Good times. We all said our Merry Christmases as I would not be seeing most of these people until Boxing Day or after, and in Angelica's case, February. Simon shook Ramez's hand and I was like, "Hey, where's my handshake?" I held out my hand, but he hugged me instead. Naww. I love Simon hugs. =]
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if i were you, i would be jealous of me too, haha. you'll have to keep me updated on what your presents are.