Not Even A Day

Hmm, well last night while i was watching the game Cooper bad mouthed my boyfriend and well i got a little mad from it and so i didnt talk to Cooper while the game was on, and i was going to talk to him on a Commercial but something clicked and i relized how much of a bad person i was being towards kev and i mean yeah Kev treats me like shit but sometimes i do it back, and it hurts knowing that i told myself i would change and be a better gf and yet i just made it worse, i ended up not talking to Cooper the whole night, he got upset and thought it was all his fault when really it wasnt, he began hurting himself seeing he likes me alot..and i explained alot of things to him today and he felt pretty stupid becuz of what he did, but hes fine and for once when i woke up everything finally made sence and i understood alot of things, after talking to Cooper and explaining i was happy and felt like i fit in. I wrote Kev a note and he told me he was mad at me and that was why he wasnt really talking to me yesterday, after words everything was fine with me and him and i thought to myself and realized that i was going to have one day that i was going to have a great day. But Then as i thought Kev was taking the same bus i was going on to go over to Phils and well i gave Cooper a note on the bus and told him to read it when he got home, he said okay and then Kev just shook his head at me and then moved away and i was going to explain and talk to him but he wouldnt listen and then took out his disc men and started listing to music so i gave up...and now its back to the normal everyday with something that messes it up again..but i guess im used to it now. Billy
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hey babe thanks for my comment is sorta true i don't know i just hafta find myself again..but i'm trying and i think you and kev need to have a talk and stuff but i dunno i would rather talk in person then actually talk on this, but i'm also always here for you to and you know it