Things Need To Change

Listening to: Hoobastank-Lucky
Feeling: alone
I Listen to Hoobastank to much, Oh well lol. Ugh Man..I dunno about things right now, i keep realizing the same things over and over again in the las few days and i tell my self over and over again, " im going to stop and change everything" but when im around everyone i just cant change and i keep doing everything the same and it pissing me off cuz sooner or later I know i'm going to hurt someone I always end up doing it sooner of later, but this time i dont want it to be like it and omg i'll stop becuz i cant really explain anything the way i feel like it seeing the person might just read it but thats okay. Yesterday was hmm...i dunno its wasnt the best day for me. I wanted it to be i mean i wanted it to be fun and exciting. Yeah there was times when it was but others when i just felt like i should walk home even though ihad no idea how to get home.I felt bad at time yesterday when i was at C.O.P with Cooper and Chad and Richard and Mac and Katie i mean i didnt really think about Cooper when i wrote that thing to that guy on my other entry and none of it was about him, i mean i know he really likes me, alot and shit but ugh he should just move on cuz all hes gunna get is a broken heart if he keeps this up..I really shouldnt be talking about this but yeah i mean hes amazing in every way the sweetest guy but he knows that i just want to be single and that i like other guys. And he knows that there are other ppl that like him and yet im trying to go and find someone else like this one chick that i think would be awesome for him and everything ( not mentioning any names) but yet she thinks that she takeing him away from me? no she shouldnt feel like that i mean hes not mine or anything lol and I dont mind if you spend all summer with him and i only get to see him for a day out of it, if that is what you want to do. I hate how no matter what i do or say if its something that i truly care about or something that i have to get out of my head, for my sake, to make me happy, it ALWAYS ends up hurting someone and i wish it wouldnt cuz now im back to me..the person who keeps everything in and cant trust a single soul, the person who if someone wants something i will do it for them the person who puts herself behind everyone in the world. I guess thats good for everyone else and as long as there happy then its all good right? I mean i can act I do most of the time anyways in my stupid messed up life. Its like im ment not to be happy or something i mean what was it maybe a week and a half i was really happy for and then everything has to go wrong and change again Ugh im sorrie i needed to get that out theres much more but thoes were the only things I could acutally get out that would maybe make sence to you the others..well those you would have to know who i was in every way to understand. Anyways Yesterday i went to see the fireworks at C.O.P and then b4 that i saw these littrle kids try and steal at the dollar store, and they got cought it was weird and then i was this guy that was drunk and he kept telling me and Kt that true love comes when your 50 and that she still loved him..and then i saw this guy that was like " hunny come back, why wont u give me a kiss" " i love you" and it was so sad cuz she kept walking away from him. And Then! lol I saw lightening that I think almost hit the ground and it was so scary i was driving by this feild and it must have came soo close to the ground like holy fuck lol. But yeah those were just some bad thinsg to warn me i guess, I mean not only that but when i was walking to the bus I got a major stomach ach. Well the fire works were nice i guess. Im playing up for U16 tomorrow im excited and then playing up for the crystals again on sunday. and then i finally have a game..well for the team in really on, on Tuesday. Omg! im so excited tho for sunday I Finally get to meet Weston! lol im scared in a way though but thats okay lol were meeting at the mall haha, and then hes coming back to my house and playing pool. man o man lol. Anyways I think i might just go and stop complaining or anything Bailey
Read 3 comments
hey ... i wasn't trying to make u feel bad or be mean before when i said that so im soo sry if i did but i dunno im just confused about everything adn i dont no exactly how to say it but im sry bout everythign ..
luv ya xoxox Britt
hey billy, dont worry.. ur not complaining, ur just getting things out.. and thats good. I hope evrything works out for u, i love you so much.. hava awsome summer bebe!
xox take care
hey im glad thats all figured out lol.. thanx for the comment and thanx for everythign
luv ya