
Listening to: --
Feeling: asleep
Wow Im Bored so here i am doing another Servey thinger..hmm.. |..WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX..| [what do you notice first?]: Looks [last person you slow danced with]: havent been to a dance in awhile but i think it was Kev.. [worst question to ask]: Cant think right now but probably when ppl ask you if u are okay when u look like shit Of coures your not okay jeez lol |..WHO..| [makes you laugh the most?]: um. Im not sure really [makes you smile?]: The most Cooper But all my friends do I love them lol [gives you a funny feeling when u see them]: Devon and well Kevin cuz...ugh stupid kid lol all i wanted was to be your friend still but i guess u see it different [has a crush on u?]: Hmm theres a person that i know for sure but i'd rather not say his name haha [is easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: Hm..Guys for me, well at this moment |..DO YOU EVER..| [sit on the net all day waiting for someone special to IM you?]: Yeah lol all the time [save aol/aim conversations]: uh huh [save e-mails]: haha yeah aw.. [wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: sometimes [cried because of someone saying something to you]: yeah... |..HAVE YOU EVER..| [fallen for your best friend]: I dont think so [been rejected]: Yup [rejected someone]: yes..hey these are some on the same questions lol oh well. [used someone]: yea [been cheated on]: Yuppers [done something you regret]: oh yes |..WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON..| [you talked to]: Cooper [you hugged]: Cooper [You instant messaged]: Danny [You laughed with]: Brad |..DO YOU..| [color your hair]: Yes [ever get off the damn computer]: Yeah [habla espanol]: i dunno what there talking about lol |..HAVE YOU / DO YOU / ARE YOU..| [smoke]: No [could you live without the computer?]: Yes [how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: 144 [whats your favorite food?]: Cookies! [whats your favorite fruit?]: Pinaple a fruit?? that it if it is but if not then hmm..i dunno [drink alcohol?]: Coolers I love em haha [like watching sunrises or sunsets]: Sometimes... [what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: Emotional for sure [trust others way too easily?]: used to now i dont think i trust anyone.. |..FINAL QUESTIONS..| [i want]: to move [i wish]: to be content [i love]: the feeling of meeting new ppl [i miss]: The way you made me feel [i fear]: of loseing more then i have [i hear]: music [i wonder]: if one day i will just wake up and everything will be okay...and who makes up words..
Read 2 comments
I wish i could talk to sarah, the problem is, i cant. shes going through alot right now, and i dont want to add to it. all the problems that i have are really small compared to whats going on, and i just dont feel right complaining about them to her. thanks tho.
hey cute diary if thats u ur really pretty! lots of love