{46.} Silence

Feeling: mushy
9:26 If, if I explained the title...If, then if I explained the Music, and only if, if I choose to explain the feeling, would you care? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My mother: Turn off those lights. Me:UGH!..Your bathroom lights are on too. My mother: Cut that one off too. Me: {Mumbles:Kill me} Uh huh My mother: See, you didn't die over that Me: {Fakes death} I could've. You never know. I think I got a bad heart. Where can I buy a good one? My mother: {Rejects everything after 'you never know'} Yuh, well, you're still here. But you should die. My mother was not, in any way shape or form playing. Not a little, not a bit. She wants me to die. You can see the HELL in her eyes! ********************************* It is pointless to say how I feel. At least, this is how I feel. Obligation is hard to explain. Or is it? I feel like I am motivated to help muh mother. I am motivated to help her live with herself. Live at night. Or maybe, I'm obligated for people to have a memory of me. That I made people happy. That you listened to these great adults, that once were kids, as myself, 4 girls to be exact, bitch and moan about the same person who is pushing me to my limit. Motivated. Obligated. Such powerful words. *`*`* Through the Rain. The song. Explanation. Well, I feel as if once you're dead and gone, you've made it through life. Completely. My ambitions in life: Live, laugh, and love. I've lived 14 years...{Romeo and Juliet??}; I've laughed my WORLDLY share, and love, I am loved, and have been IN love for a while. My TRUE family loves me, just as...T does. So, in reality, I've made my life. I've lived it. I've done heart ache [Preston] I've done hurt [Dwayne] I've done hell [Mother] I'm done. Technically, in my eyes, I'm THROUGH! After all, my mother believes I'm poppin pills anyway. Just alittle NUTS! UGH. *`*`* The only person here for me, is me. I need no one else. I deal with other people. Such as Shantelle, and T, whom I love dearly. But I NEED no one. NO ONE. As for others, *Shawntail R.* I take no remorse in my previous remarks. I feel nothing for her. No cold blood, nor no warm blood is to flow through me for her. She represents smiles, but she holds a lot of tears. I pray one day that she will see how she effects people, how her actions cut like knives, how it's not always going to be "okay" but...even if she doesn't, may God watch over her. --Goodbye is such sweet sorrow--$Save it for the world to hear tomorrow$
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new layout ...tell me what u think
xoxo ..dana
thnx so much!!
as for the pics....
comment~~ upload pic and rename it as [comment_pic] [without the []s]
above name~~ upload pic and rename it as [top_left] [again..without the []s]
i juss go to random peoples diarys n take em. *evil grin* all u gotta do is right click save pic as and then upload it.

xoxo ..dana
hiya lol i dont think i could top that. sheeeeeeeeezy...hehehe alrighty then. i wont say that ne more ;) l8a babe
i'm studying and becoming a wiccan, at a slow pace. now that i said that u prolly think im some poser :-/ but its true, alot of people in my family were wiccan, my grandma being a big influence for me. :-D are u wiccan??
yeah, wicca is kind of against my family too...my dad seems fine with it, but my mom is catholic...and well u kno how that goes. she doesnt really know. and i guess im not 100% wiccan yet...i recently started researching on it like a year ago...so yea im not the greatest wiccan haha. but i do the rituals and stuff. if ya need any info *or anything!* on it tho, just let me kno :-)D i'll add u to my friends list.