{102.} New

Feeling: adventurous
Okay, so last night I made a new Xanga on account of the fact that ash-uh-lee, meg-and, and the other ash-aw-leigh have one! and i felt left out..o yuh, beck-a has one too. so does ann-nuh! So, I felt left out, and I made one. It finally doesn't look as bad as the others. LMAO. I made it all pretty this morning. So go visit it!! http://www.xanga.com/oxsexiplaygirlxo yup yup, it's pur-ra-tay. lol. THANK YOU ASH-UH-LEE for giving me the name. It would've been : AshsRejektFriEnd..but she came up with another catch one. LMAO. Yup yup! O yes, and I must let you guys in on the secret! One: Kimberleigh is NEVER online! LMAO. Her cell phone is! and.. Two: I have 2 new SNs... Misz play mate and..the one J made up last nyte, SexiStuntBunnii. So yes, talk to me sometime. They're both AIM. O yuh, I have another semi-new one. LilMiszRox07..so yeah..you can catch me on one of those. And if you dont, babiiangyl617 is the other one. So yup, later yall. I have to respond to some WONDROUS comments I got yesterday! You guys rock! Later. And I wuv u guys! LOL!!
Read 17 comments
Hhaha, thanxs for the heads up:p Stats are just, yah messed, but sumtimes its true depending on what it is.
Thanks for the comment. It made me feel a little better. I cried all day again today. I'm afraid to eat anything because I'm afraid I'll throw up again.
You can instant message me on AIM if you want. My screen name is WildMoronicDitz.
thanks again.|
nice xanga. i have one too. it's www.xanga.com/lastregret but its kinda sucky, i don't write much. if u visit my sitdiary, u'd see i write in there more! haha. oh and i like ur "blow me" thing on ur xanga. cute =)
lol whoa.. you have like ten thousand aim names. oh oh oh and i have an xanga too. but i haven't used it for quite awhile. if i start using it again,which i might, then i'll remember to visit yours. anyway, thanks for your comment..it's nice to know someone else is fucked up too lmao.
im on now!!!! :) lol o ya i made a new diary theres like no entries yet tho cuz im so into the journal icon things hehe
-innerbeauty [beautifultears]
I don't need advice. I need someone to talk to. Anyone to talk to.
please read some of my latest diary entries.
sorry to be a nuisance.
skanking is something that you normally do to dancey type of ska music. it's kind of a skipping type of walk and you just go in a circle. it's great fun!
okay awesome! ill let ya know if i find out when hes gunna go there! ;)
roCK.. dana
Lol, i live in scotland =)..
1) i DONT have a strong scottish accent
2) i DONT eat haggis
3) i DONT wear a kilt..ITS ALL A MYTH!
¢¾ toodles ¢¾
Hehe. I don't ahve a cru... well okay maybe i do. And i don't believe in love, so yeah i don't love my boyfriend. And my wandering eye can wander as long as my lips don't do anything... :P

How's you?

Joanna XxX
yes this is my first diary =) what can i say im just pimp like that. lol just kidding i dont know?
its ok bout not commenting but im sure u have no reason to doubt urs he has every reason to doubt his only by how she treats him but thanks anyways!
Hehehe..its a place down in england..were the "Upper snobby english" live..Its a pleasure beach..with rollercoasters and things..The main attraction is the REALLY fit boys though.
toodles! =)
Hmm thats kinda difficult then. maybe she's just seeing how strong you are, and seeing how far she can take it, untill you break kinda thing. if that makes any sence at all. Well it does in my head anyway. hehe. Give yourselves time.

Joanna XxX
Aw, It's good that you've got back together though. Maybe try talking a little more, as then you will both know what the other is feeling, and then maybe you can work through it a little easier... *shrugs* it could work. But just gove it time.. you will both calm down in a while.

Lads suck... They just use you and abuse you. but girls i think are diffrent. I don't know why, but somehow i think that they maybe.

Joanna XxX
well, im glad u liked the song! lol, enjoy it more often i guess! hahaha.. ttyl- i gotta jet! have a good day and all that good stuff.. -kissintherain
Ahh, Hmm. I'm sure it will all sort out. But don't be pissed off, as it's not good for the relationship.

I believed in love once and it kicked me down, and i nearly dies because of it. I don't want to belive in it anymore. I have no faith in it.

Evrything will work out with you two, it allways does, if you believe in it enough.

Joanna XxX