{92.} Learning the Alphabet, Babe!

Feeling: sly
I just woke up. Toke this from Becca. Been seeing it everyone, and since everyone else is doing it, it's not like me to too but hell, I'm hungry and bored. So, why not?? A - Age – 14 B - Booze of choice - Strawberry Wine Coolers er Smirnoff C - Chore you hate – cleaning my closet D - Dad's name – Frederic E - Essential item you must have – water or Sonic Slushies! F - Favorite Food – Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream er most ice cream in general G - Game you like – monopoly... H - Hometown – Hartsville I - Instruments of Torture – o, like that you'd kill with? Scapal! yay!lol. J - Job of your dreams – Modeling. Or a Playmate. But probably modeling. K - Kids – are cute. I hope I have son. yay! But I've got a lot of nieces and nephews already L - Lyrics – umm...good. and i can spell leprachaun?? I like a lot of songs and too many to name M - Mom's name - Jeri N - Number of people you've slept with- N/A O - Overnight hospital stays- Zip, Zero, Nada unless you count when I was born P - Phobia – of busses (Conquered on short occasions) heights (also conquered when necessary) um, Heartache (never conquered, is working on) Q - Quote you like – Lots of um. Um let's see, one I just found this year was from Sondra, "Aim for the top because the bottom is over-crowded!" R - Religious affiliation – I'd honestly like to see what is all out there. I don't know yet. If I don't try to look, I'm just as bad as if I killed the the One without trying. S - Super power – What people are thinking, probably. I already have this weird deja vu thing down pack! T - Ticklish? – yuh, lots. U - Unique talent – I model and people like my brain, I think. V - Vegetable you refuse to eat – Um, knowingly? I refuse to eat Spinach of any kind. Or boiled Carrots. God, gross! W - When I grow up- Hopefully I'm going back to the West Coast or at least finding someone I love, or find happi-ness and live with a cool friend that likes everything I do! X - X-rays you've had – teeth...and my eye..do eyeballs count?? Y - Yummy food you make – lmao, I make French Toast. I like it. And probably FRIES! O GOD! I love Fries!!! Z - Zodiac Sign – sagittarius! WE ROCK!
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Hahah, well. Actually u kno how i said i was goin on a date with Brandon? Well he ditched me for sum other chicks. Yah, and he blocked me over msn. This suxs balls, so i'm so fuckin pissed off and ARG yes, i'm mad. But, by the way, ur diary are AWSOME!!
ooh i'm gonna borrow this survey =]
hey can i ask where you got your "she's falling appart" moving picture thing from, it's really cool.

Joanna [FadedSoul]
hey, coudl i add u to my friends lists?