Feeling: aroused
Auto response from cmax64: PacWoman1R3J1E7: ha I LOVE YOU MAXXX! i heart u so much kay. bff! lylas! Never gets old. Well, Emilie yelled at me to write an entry because TOMORROW, my sisters taking away the computer to get it fixed. I dont know how long its gonna take to get it back, I'll miss you all. If I get to Ems or something I'll write in another one. But, for now, I'll miss you all. Specially the song that plays when you look at this thing, brought me countless hours of enjoyment. ANYWHO. Dc82589: actaually i was about to hop on the bike and come over Tehe. I'll miss the Dandruff :( I love that kid. Since you know, we "fool around" at the movies and get all his stalkers jealous. Great times. SO. TODAY WAS A DAY FOR AMERICA. I GOT MY PICTURES BACCKKKKKKKKKKK. Thats right hobags. And they're glorious. I think I took like 10 of Adam Lazarra, BUT WORTH IT. I'm currently watching the Exxxorcist. THE ORIGINAL. Definatley messed up and completely awesome. UGH I have Desirae tomorrow, and no connections with the outside world. I'll go insane. Kill me now. Maybe she'll be tired and I can get her to nap. Oh, I love the glorious naps. An 30- 90 minutes of free time, bitch! PacWoman1R3J1E7: man PacWoman1R3J1E7: this Exorcist girl moans like crazy. PacWoman1R3J1E7: that should be a porno. PacWoman1R3J1E7: Exxxorcist:-D Dc82589: haha Dc82589: id watch it PacWoman1R3J1E7: me too:-D Dc85892: oh dude Dc82589: i forgot to tell you PacWoman1R3J1E7: what? Dc82589: i was watching this porn today PacWoman1R3J1E7: haha yeah? Dc82589: and its goin good just like regular porn right PacWoman1R3J1E7: right Dc82589: and then all of a sudden one person like rips a fart Dc82589: i start crackin up Dc82589: i had to hear it again I love the Daniel. So, I got to the Bourne Supremecy. Sat by Dan and Brady, omigod hysterical times. It got really quiet and Brady goes "Brrring" like a telephone really quiet, and I start CRACKING up, like I almost passed out. I threw my hoodie over my face before I started crying from the laughter. And then Brady started cracking his knuckles and stuff and that disgusts me so Im all "BRADY KNOCK IT OFF!" so he starts doing it with BOTH hands, so then I'm like "DAN! MAKE HIM STOP!" so then DAN starts doing it and I threw my hood over my face and held my ears until Dan started poking my face and I decided to come out. I love the movie gang. So glad we invented it. Cody pointed out the other day that me, him, Emilie, and Brady have been the only one to go to all of them. Dan showed up tonight though and he wasnt going to orginally, so theres five of us who are the elite core of the team. "Made a mess of me tonight. Yeah, yeah, yeah. EvErYbOdY's GeTtInG hOoKeD uP." I love that song. How true. SO. I definatley love jewelry. For shore. I need to buy more bracelets. Since I love them. I think Desirae might have stolen my Blue Star one that I got at Baltimore. I love that bracelet and I cant find it anywhere. I'd always wear that one and my black and red dice one, and I found the black and red dice, so I think that someone must have taken the other one. THEY WOULDNT HAVE LEFT EACH OTHERS SIDE. Well. Everyones leaving, so I better put this up. Since, you know, no one will be able to read it unless I get the link back up when the computer gets back. So, I'll miss you all. Hail, maybe I'll get it on Monday if we're lucky. Feel free to call anytime, if you miss me. Ask Emilie or someone for my number. :) "I never made a scene. Well they came to me... I didnt have to."
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