Best Show Ever

Listening to: Conan O'Brien
Feeling: masochistic
we just got back from the best show ever awhile ago. It was DOH and Much the Same. I dunno it was kinda bittersweet. Mike could tell he was trying hard not to cry. I wish Mike didn't have to leave but he has to do what he has to do. He suggested I should take his place again. I dunno i have comtemplated it and maybe i will try....try at least. Probably not though....even though i have the support, i just don't think i could do it. In any case the last show with Mike will be a memory i will hold on to for he made it so kickass that it can't be described by words....well the whole band killed...all the bands did...except for half the battle...the music was good, but they need to fire that vocalist...they can pick me up hahaha
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haha. that show did rock and it was awesome to see everyone again. I tried hard not to cry there at the end... i was standing strong for the people who were and hugging them. then once we got to the cry i was bawling... anywhore. i luf ry ry.
haha sounds fun. you should 'take care' of the vocalist situation on ur own muahaha
hey u like DOH too?? theyre awesome m/