alright world

Listening to: Rancid
Feeling: abused
who's it gonna be? me or you? i'm tired of constantly having to fight you and everyone and everything you possess everyday. let's end this ::hail of gunfire:: deny me Heaven's pearly gates and deny me passage into Hell. For as long as I'm here, i'm just doomed to rot at least it's all over
Read 19 comments
new entry, bastardface, gooooo!

So, you're basically like a huge oxymoron (great band). Your username is emosux, but then you make emo as fuck entries. damn ryan, make up your mind :)
only if we take off our shirts and kiss.
Love you Ryan...;)
DUDE! what the hell is up. I'll be home on Thanksgiving break. We should get some beers down and discuss our lives up to this point.

I loves watching wrestlung wif yous!
where were you this week for our laguna get together?'s been okay i'm "sudo goth" or w/e my friend cal says i should stop being an emo kid...i guess i'm' emo/goth whatever how have you been? i miss our odd little comment convos lol and please don't hate me cuz my friends say i'm emo lol
hey hun long time since i dropped a different...umm...bye?
:( you okay?
and if you don't comment me back, I'll take your life 12xover.

TOO Tulls
HEYY snuffles! LUFFFFFFFED the comment, you're cute lets go to 2nd base!
huh, huh? wanna?

Penni (Piss-on-o)
Ryan DAVUUUUUD c'MONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
emo does suck
dumbface! stop writing sad entries!

your bffl---Ramona J. Sampsonite
so anyways... wat have you been up to?!
well... everythings been good! I was in tx all summer doing that army thing.. haha but now im back and at school! YAY!! homecoming here this weekend, which is like the biggest weekend here although every weekend is good when u go to the biggest party school in the state...
"We cannot rank IUP against other schools in the party category because we feel it's unfair to rank professionals against amateurs."
-playboy magazine
haha... yeah yea...
wow. your so fuckin awesome. really.