Listening to: Against All Authority
Feeling: beat
that's right kids you heard correctly. A show on June the 4th at the ISC skatepark with none other than The Sucks featuring yours truly and his band Dead In Marseille. It shall be a great night full of skating and punk rock for all. So I expect any of you living in the Indianapolis area to come and bring a friend, a single cute one if at all possible. Ok well just thought i'd hit you with a band update, finished asong and changed another one up, we are expected and on task to finish two more originals before this show. Don't fret kiddos, Blitzkreig Bop will stay on the setlist! Re-de-re-de-re-de REMIX ok this is specifically for Kelsey haha, only met you once but you're hella cool, thanks for your support. The venue for the show has switched from the ISC skatepark to Nag Champa Cafe. And you can go to indianapolismusic.net and look under venues to find it for a mapquest if you are still interested in going.
Read 16 comments
i hope the show goes great! and you find a cute, single girl..
have a good day! -lindsey-
That's awesome that you guys are playing with The 'Sucks.'(I hate taht name.) I think I shall go. you had a crush on me? I guess I never really realized it. And thanks for saying that my best feature is my smile, that made me feel really good. You're so sweet.

P.S. That's a nice shirt you're weating in your pic... lol.. I have the same one! I can't wait til Warped Tour! Alkaline Trio is gonna be so awesome!!!!!
I don't think it would've sounded weird and creepy. Maybe a little odd since not many people have crushes on me... I guess they think I'm kind of a weirdo. But oh well.. That's awesome that you guys are getting more shows. I'll have to go to one and check you guys out cuz I've never really heard you. Well, later...

YAY!!! Another Dead In Marseille show! I'm going! Oh yeah, I have you guys playing Blitzkreig Bop on video from the Fishers show!
Thanks! I will be there! Eh, Since I didn't ask last time, can I tape your show?
haha for sure you can tape us. you don't even have to ask us. It would be mucho appreciated if you could spread the word of the show too. THANKS!

Thanks! I will pass out flyers for it. Eh, do you have a AIM sn. This kid wants to book a show with you guys.
yay for ryan.

I luf you.
glad blitkrieg bop is stayin on the set list cuz u guys did that song awesomely. i wanna see that vid. cya june 4
glad blitkrieg bop is stayin on the set list cuz u guys did that song awesomely. i wanna see that vid. cya june 4
why the fuck did it post my comment twice? well i couldnt find that cafe place at indy music net so tell me where it is
ok so the Nag Champa is located at 1063 virginia avenue. it is in downtown Indianapolis. any more questions or comments email me at immaturityisme@aol.com or just IM me or if you would like to help us flyer or pass the show on in any way, let me know or just DO IT!!

just passing through and thought id let you knoe ur cute {vampiremunkie}
You weren't clingy and annoying at that show. I actually liked the attention. I'll have to see if I can go to that show. But we should hang out before then, though. You're awesome and I'd really like to see you again. That is, if you would wanna hang out, ya know.
the one giving the piggy back ride...=hot
i also wanted to say that ur cute. but im a dude. do u like that? i hope so