Happy Birthday Jesus

Listening to: Rancid BITCHES
Feeling: blasphemous
so it's almost Jesus's birthday....except for the fact Jesus was born in April....but whatever....i'm not here to knock anyone's religious beliefs. it's three o'clock in the morning, i'm drinking coffee, and i have to drive to Pennsylvania to see my grandma...fucking amazing huh? sometimes....you meet the most amazing people on this things....i've been branded...Kitten whatever....i'm watching some weak ass skinemax porn...i think that means i should leave you all now...later and Merry Fuckin' Christmas
Read 14 comments
YAY!! Merry FUCKING Christmas to you too!!! hope to hear from you later
april huh? lol thanks for the info.. =D
emo rules and u suck bitch
Ryan! You are the biggest sweetheart and my ONLY Kitten!

Have fun ridin' the Turnpike..!
hahah that anonymous comment!-haha emo sucks ass, get a life- neways happy christmas or watever the fuk.
I dont give out corruption certificates just like that..what kind of slut do you take me for? haha
every boy and their dad?

Two for one discount, is all I have to say.

Do your Grandparents have a computer or something..? How glamorous! hah
You shouldnt have said that in a comment! ahhh I hope you arent dead because of that.. well Maplewood Ln. wasnt in my neighborhood so.. mehh. Its weird tho that your in the same..county? hah anyways.. those are some high-tech GP's I must say. I congradulate them.
Meeerrry christmas
the street address.why arent you on aim slut?

noo worries :) did you have a good x mas
welll... you werent getting on aim.. sooo.. haha sorry!

what made you delete that part of your entry? If it was because of what I called you I was honestly joking. I really am sorry. I guess its too late tho. I feel like the biggest idiot.
haha jesus was NOT born on xmas