
Listening to: The Distillers
Feeling: aggravated
Honestly, can you listen to Anti-Flag and still like "President" Bush. That totally doesn't make any sense. You couldn't really listen to many bands in the "punk" genre. I know people that are like this, and I think to myself...what the fuck is wrong with these people. God save the queen
Read 13 comments
oh hey don't worry about it. tired minds say crazy things. but it's cool, i wouldn't really care either way.
i'm procrastinating so much. it's 1:40 and i haven't started homework. i'm a fucking waste.
yeah dude i didnt write an essay due like january 7th... i think im pretty wasteworthy
haha thrash me? i dare you. BLLIAAATTTCCHHH. :)
haha shutup. psh i could take you. anyday. maybe.
well.. i'd use my sweet karate skills. okay, i never took karate, but i could TOTALLY learn and use it.
Turncoat! Killer! Liar! Theif!

^ Anti-flag lyrics that ALLLmost apply.

never again shall I quote Anti-Flag..


oh and also youre username is in an AF song..how quaint.

-long enough comment?

ahh! anti flag owns my ♥! ^_^ i love them.
and i never liked bush so oh well. lol

do you guys have any tracks online for people to listen to?
ps- i added you as a friend :)
sweet ^_^ i'll go listen when I get home seeing as we arent allowed to have any volume at school -___-

ARG! I HATE HOW GHETTO MEH COMPOOTER ISH! im trying to listen to zee songs but its all ALKJ ;LK A;LKJ ASRT ;LKAJ ;ALKSJDF and whatnot. maybe it'll fucking hurry up and download completely and let me listen to it! ^_^
haha I knew you got it form there I just didnt think about it until just then because i was mentally going through antiflag albums. I dont listen to them anymore so it just hit me and i was like..duh..yeah.
bush can suck my ass...

that illiterate fucker...