First day for everything

Feeling: accomplished
i have officially completed my first day as a vegetarian...not nearly as hard as i thought it would be. i have no desire to have a meat product whatsoever. soccer training started for Indy Burn today...holy shit i'm a fatty and couldn't do anything worth mentioning. Today is also my dad's birthday. He's 46 years old...what an old man...oh how i love him..Happy Birthday Father So today they finally called off this wild goose chase for weapons of mass destruction today. after years of wasting our money and killing our troops and killing innocent civilians over there....the reason we went over there is proven false..George W. Bush is such a great fucking president....4 more years....4 more years....
Read 67 comments
thank you for telling him. him and i go WAAAAY back...

ok not really.
no prob. where r u from?
hey.. ur cute
well maybe i will...

i looked at it too.
go me?!?!?! yeah yeah?

you need a good update sir.

good for you


how are you?? everything is going okay..i suppose other than wanting to cry ^_^
yes, being a vegan would be hard.

btu im all for it.

anyhoo- did you make it past the first day?
oh your welcome daddy.
somerville mass rite next 2 boston
oh good! i am very proud of you ^_^
hope you had a good day ^_^
I was just joking when I said that about you going vegetarian. I really respect that. I mean, I could never do it, but if you can, that's awesome!!!

And... I haven't been so good. I would tell you why, but I don't really want everyone knowing my business. Not that you're just anybody(haha), but you know what I mean..
But how have you been?
yeah... me 2....
just remember only four more years and he can't be re-elected ^_^ good luck with your vegitarian-ness
ive been a vegetarian for over 6 years. i hate meat.
guess you dont like my comments then...goshhh yuran asshole.
Im in maff class and your diary called to i came.

Lyyyyyyyylas, P.
With the way george w. bush is going , I hoping he wont live through the next four years, It really bothers me that martin luther king was assasinated and bush howard and blair are still alive
vegetarian = amazing. i'm proud of you. :)
Yay I'm so proud of you ^_^ most people give up after a few days.
blah... i just did it cuz my brother did... its all a game for me! i guess when i joined i never really thought about the whole big picture of it... i mean actually fighting and shit... but now they are all set on deployin me... ohhh whatever... dont worry about a draft tho... there wont be one! this shits way to pointless
haha im in the army so i def cant wait 4 more yrs either!
umm i think they're coming 26th febuary im pumped ive never seen them live before
your comment got me thinking...drop bush into an anti-flag concert...just picture's fun
Boy, you really need to update...!!
Btw, you can talk to me on aim if you want. My sn is Xibleedforxyoux

Spontaneous combustion would be satisfying to watch.
I know, I haven't talked to you in FOREVER!!
But that sucks that you're trying to be a vegetarian. J.K..
That sucks.. McKenzie is a hell of a lot easier.. even though I'm still failing Algebra 2.. BOO!!!!! :-(

aw thanks,
hope the vegitarian thing is going all happy ^_^ and hope to hear from you when i decide the world sucks
happy belated birfday ryan's padre
haha.. thanks.
And its awesome that you have been doing okay.
And I'm sure I'll live!! lol..
Are you at McKenzie ever?
I got sent home from school sick.. and now im boredd sooo if you would just update..i mean..that'd

Lust, P.
nothing anymore i was just bummed about stupid shit ^_^ no worries hope you had a good day
its ok i guess.
Let's hope so, I'd love anything just to play music the rest of my fucking life.
What kind of guitars and amps do you all use?
You all remind me of the Clash and Ramones.. you all are rad.
what? circle jerk what?
well ever since I heard your grandmother was easy from none other than the kitten himself..
You will be one of the first people. My other band recorded one, the vocals are FUCKED but the song is good. Once I figure out how to get a tape to a cd, I will send it to you, but the good band is close to recording a song.
well like i was saying.. I heart your dad!
We can only hope dude
thats right me AND big momma.. (bahahahaha)

Yea I know i thought about that..hah you were such the prudence back then..corruption..fetish.
Yeah, screamo, punk,hardcore. We have a lot of influences so the sound varies. But there is a lot of Screamo there.
man fuckin' finals blow cow dick
Explaine it, ours is A Loss Of Words, just somthing we came up with, no story..... =(
Yeah that's what is easier for me too, what is your bands name?
I heart you and your dad being such great friendlies.

im a vegetarian.
soon to be vegan i hope.

depending on whether or not my parents will force me to eat some sort of dairy products.

screw that...

yay for us!
I've tried being a veg before.. and lets just say I can't live without my meat, haha.

Oh, and happy 46th to your daddy-o.

With your band, do you write the music then lyrics? or Lyrics and try to make a melodie (sp?) off of that?
That's rad. What new guitar stuff are you gonna get?
really now? shall i quote some gee*y inte**et se*?
Fenders are rad.

haha oh but I would..

jk.. of course not thats between the kitten and the girl.
hah balls haha..ewwwbiess!!!
well youre a dyke.
I dont care what the fucking surgeon said youd be after the procedure.. youre still a fucking dyke!
ex? who said Im not still dabbling with the ladiessssss?
i know but i cant be an exlesbian if i still am..and i think you know who im dabbling (in) her initials are S.L.Q.
did you guess who my grrrrlll is yet?
S.L.Q.. i cant say it out loud here.. she might read it and be embarrassed.
no i really cant.. look at your friendy list.. S.L.Q.
haha i was juuusttt kidding.. plus we had a 3-way rememberrrr?

es muyyy picante no?
happy birthday daddy?
hey I play soccer to!
and Happy b-day to your dad!!