Listening to: Rancid- Salvation
Feeling: aggravated
I AM NOT A FUCKING WHORE GOD DAMN ALL OF YOU. just kidding, but i'm not a whore. So i talk to a few girls, that doesn't make me a whore Melissa. I have decided that Rancid is my favorite band. Tim Armstrong is the fucking man i say the fucking man....and Matt Freedman kills on the bass. WHEN I GOT THE MUSIC I GOT A PLACE TO GO. anyways jeesh....how can i be a whore....i'm single....with like nobody interested in me...what the hell...it doesn't add up. I AM SO NOT A FUCKING WHORE She knows she is She she's goin down below where the fires glowin more Rancid...and no you can't grow out of Rancid, not at all possible.... Rancid is in fact...the shit and whoever just left me that comment finishing those lyrics is also the shit
Read 47 comments
did u hang up one me yesturday?
well, i'm too much of a pussy to break up with him, i don't want a beating
ok fine nvm that was comforting
ummmm alright i'll try and grow some ovaries, thanks douschebag
the emo look is getting old.

shaggy black hair, overly-tight pants...boys looking like girls.
hah, thanx.

good point.

but i hate how so many are conforming to the emo ways.
jesus not that you need another goddamn comment!!! wow your so cool ryan hahahahaha.....anyways its like 11 and im awake and have nothing to do so im looking at diaries and mmm yea i wanted to say hiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxox
you are the shit my friend you are
well... i'm single now.

why am i a dork?!


well sorry for you that it's "emo", just kinda what i feeling at the moment i guess?
35th fucking comment.............WHOAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
:) wouldnt have it any other way can i call u tonight what time are u going to sleep i have to tell u a story about my nose its funny
I"m gonna add u to my friends.. I hope you don't mind and if u do... well too bad i'm gonna do it anyways! :P
Rancid is awwwwesome.
Wait.. really?
Or am i just being my incredibly gulibal self? hah.
Hah, yes. that would be awesome.
Weeee. i can play guitar.
good stuff. And WHY wouldnt girls want you? You're seexxy hah. I think? if that is you in that picture to the left. ehh? :) woo awesome.
Awesome, i was in a band..Mmm but it fell apart, hah, im solo now.
yeah i know.
Mmm, yep. Do you have AIM?



-your favorite emokid
Geez i tell u this to much but im telling the truth UPDATEEEE!!
yeah yeah it is really fucked up but im never gonan turn into a raging feminist or anything.. its not gonna change anything
haha ur my whore~Melissa
HEYY i heart rancid too.
that is all.
I kno girls can b bitches.. that's y most of my friends are guys!!! lol and not only that.. I kno I can b a bitch sumtimes too well I can b a MAJOR bitch and it's normally towards the guys that I like cuz I'm scared of them hurting me.. :S
i dont' think you're a whore. yes it was cool.
dude whatever im over this im over u do what the fuck u want im down~Melissa
ok well here is my situation.. I like this guy i've liked him since frosh yr and just figured he didn't like me back well now he's sayin that he loves me he's liked me since we met (frosh yr) and it scares me to death cuz i care aobut him so much i just don't want to hurt him like i do w/ all the other guys cuz w/ the other guys i get scared so i dump them that way they can't hurt me :S
we decided that we would.. but right now he's in his depressed/rebound stage.. susie just dumped him after 6-7 months and he scared me then too cuz he ASKED ME if he could kill himself i was like NO!! :( and susie swore on her dad's grave (he died) that she would never cheat on him and she did and just seein him go thru that tore me up inside and caused me to b scared bout it even more!
yea it could actualy work out if i don't pull a jenna :P there's soo many things to b scared of in this who situation AHH... good news: i was just talkin to his dad and he seems to like me lol
hows my ryan doing??? good....well yes i know your not a whore!!! teehee
yea I thought that it was a good thing lol .. he was under andy's name and he wasn't talkin and i thought it was andy and i said "u hate me:(" and he's like no idon't i'm not andy either! i'm his dad and then my sn said sumtin bout guys being full of it and he's like "and yea most guys are full of it" it was funny! lol then he said "i'm old and need my sleep so i'm gona go bye" lol that was funny too!
guys can't be whores. just pimps. double standards. guys can have as many girls as they want. girls are trash if they sleep with one person.
haha, yeah. ex's suck. And I know what you mean about the whore thing. I get it a lot, but no one is interested in me. At least no one that I want to be.


Oh, and nice picture on the side.
do you really hate emo??

♥ j*
im sorry i dont like not talking to u but im sure ur prety pissed at me right
haha yeah you have a penis, congrats. i'm jealous. oh wait that's right, no i'm not.

but anyways, ummmm it's not that simple. i've wanted to break up with him before. but he threatens me, and i'm naive and still care about him.. and i don't wanna get any authority figure involved cuz i dont want him getting in trouble and i know im a moron and get walked all over and i know it's my fault, but i can't seem to bring myself to be.. brave enough
ok...i can still some things are wrong....but eh
yeah but i don't want to lonely and single. b/c i can't handle that life... i always need someone. and if i break up with my boyfriend.. i will NEVER find anyone else.
hahaha alright i listened to rancid last night i think the songs were if i fall back down and nihalism or somthing like that but i will admitt not so bad
no i wouldnt find a guy.. every guy that likes me, likes me for the wrong reasons.. because they think im hott or because i have big tits or they think they'll get action out of it. i have never met a guy who likes me for me.. and its not like i put myself out there like that.. i dont dress like a skank or anything.. but ahh i dno
well there are alot of other bands that i must say are better then Rancid they might be the shit but rancid is kinda a sell out to me CLIT45 is the shit same with THE VARUKERS
well i mean.. there are times when im with him that i just glow. and im so happy.. but then there are times where i feel like he's every other guy..