And if hell is existent, which I doubt so much in my perspective,

I'll meet you there. :)
wow ur hot... your mohawk is sexy I want to run my fingers through it as you are on top of me... Whoops! I'll be going now Laters

who is the sexy ass guy in the hat? info pleasee
I guess so. Heh. Man, you must be a stud...Everyone thinks your "sexy". Talking bout running their hands through your
""awesomely""sick mohawk .

nice mowhawk....i like =) haha
ps- you were on my friends list for my other diary i dont remember why haha o well props
hi ryan
i like you mohawk a lot!
heyy that kid in the hat is cute leave a coment sometime meltat907
Ryan, remind remind everyone not to say anything about how hot kevin is because that boy is fucking hot and you know it. another thing, please tell these people that Matt is retarded and they should not think he's hot because he is a douche.

See you on JULY 16th!!! EEEE!

I luf ry ry.