[[°º119º°]] Summer's gone..

Listening to: MXPX-Blue Moon
Feeling: disappointed
Man. School starts on Monday. Do you realize that this is my last weekday of summer? This sucks. This whole entire summer sucked really. Well, except for the part where I met Mike and fell deeply in love with him. That was the best part..like a fairy tale.. I still need to read The Count Of Monte Cristo. It sucks. Well, the book is good but I have like four-hundred pages left and then I have to do a report on it and I still need to do one on The Joy Luck Club. Yeah yeah. Spark Notes. I know. Sheesh. Lol. I used that last year. It wasn't very much help when it came to the essay tests I had to take on the books. When you're sitting there and didn't even though that the person was in the book, I think there's been a little bit of information left out. Don't you agree? Lol. Anyway. I'm not very good at writing long entries. That's what Michelle is for. Lol. I'll try to update in here more often while I'm in school. I miss Mike like crazy. I wish he would call. Oh well. He is my Romeo and I love him like no other. Goodnight everyone.
Read 11 comments
hey i like your journal? how do you make a colored scroll bar?
thanks! =]
man I told you I would help you with ur hw!! geez

I know mine starts the Monday after this Monday!!! This is so depressing! :(
hey i really like ur diary...how do u change the colors in the entry list and in ur entries?
I would've died without sparknotes when we had to read Heart of Darkness. That book is horrible...
Shit, I was on someone else's computer and they were automatically logged on to a different account. The comment below is actually from me.
sry to hear that you start school tomorrow. :( i go back september 1st. nothing we can really do about it, but i wish you goodluck for your new schoolyear. :)
I'm so glad I am out of school, I remember how much it sucked in the few days before school started, lol.
dixie!!!...don't worry

you and Mike will always be together...
it's 8/23 time:2:56

man..I can't see you all sad-core

