[[°º161º°]] Pictures of me!

Feeling: rested
I took some pictures yesterday since it was my last day of Spring Break. I love my eyes. I just wish my actual EYE color was different. Lol. I was kind of angry today and to be honest I don't really know why. We got out at 11:10 and I was alright in school but then after I was just kind of bitchy to everyone. I couldn't help it. I don't know what made me so angry. But I'm a lot better now. Has anyone noticed that I've updated quite a bit? lol. I hope soooo because I'm definitely noticing. ^.^ I want to get a lot of entries. I'm sick of having so little when I've had this diary for over a year. Blah. Oh well. I will try. I don't remember what I was looking at in the second one so don't ask. And yes. I am smiling. My smile is okay. Lol. Comment and tell me what you think! ♥ Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Read 9 comments
very wubley eyes! :P
you're very welcome! :)

I speak only words of truth my enlightened one! :P
whoa your lucky.
we didn't even get our spring break yet.
heyy I think your reallllllly reallly prettty and i like your diary.
thank dixie! you know we be keeping it real hawt! :]haha
see what mike missed out on? dixie is just too cool..even though she likes bush! hahah. kiddingggg

In my previous diary I had over 400 entries in the space of about 7 months... I sure wasted some of my time on this thing, but I think it was worth it. Hope all is well.
those pics of your cat are so cute!
haha yeahh we do get a week off. :)
aww your pretty!

hahaha thanks...thats what everyone's tellin me.

thanks for the comment!