[[°º89º°]] Haven't written since Sunday..

Feeling: sluggish
I haven't written since Sunday. Almost a week. This entry should be pretty long because I'll get the time to explain everything that has happened since Sunday I guess.. So, Monday I actually went to school, we had a lot of homework to do but that was okay because we only have a few days of school anyways. I went again on Tuesday. Then, after school my mom came and picked me up. She let Jake come too because she wanted to meet him. So we all went over to my grandmother's house. It was alright. Kind of boring but it was just decent time that I got to spend with Jake. Hmm. Then Wednesday, I stayed home from school because I was so tired. I just hadn't gotten much sleep the few nights before that so my dad let me stay home to catch up on my sleep. I went to school on Thursday and we had a couple tests. I bombed my damn Algebra 1 test. I hate that subject. I've gotten 'F's' on every single one of the tests, yet somehow have a 'C' average in the class. How that will EVER be possible..the world may never know. So today I went home and my mom picked me up about 4:15. We went to go pick up Jake because we were going to a baseball game, but when we got there, he wasn't there. Whatever. But we finally found where he was. After that, we went to my mom's house, stayed there for a little over an hour, then went to the game. It lasted a few hours. The fireworks show was really cool. Then we left and went back to my mom's house for awhile. Jake and I just talked and messed around and stuff. I don't know. So my mom is bringing me home and she says that my dad is going to bring Jake home. So, she drops us off at my house and then my dad took him home. My whole family likes Jake. I guess that's pretty cool. Anyways. I'm so FECKING tired that it's not even funny anymore. My stomach hurts so bad. I'll write again tomorrow. I think I still have catching up to do on my diary. Night everyone.
Read 66 comments
hey, okay htanx for the advice.. i shall i get mindless self indulgence
Hey!!! Are you Canadian?!?!?!!?!?!? If so what province you from?? :P
i like it too.

neat journal?..yea

··some girl··
thanx... glad you liked it! :)


X Amanda X
thanx :)
urs rocks too..wooah man i havent heard that song in like forever.
uh..ok!?theyre mine, i have been told they are evil...
not really, but thanks anyway. lol xoxo Tamar
Find the picture you want, and name it my_background. go to Header Info, then click add. Its going to have you like browse through files, so find your my_background, and click add or w/e it says.
hey , thanks for commenting, whats happening to the guy in that picture
Its a picture of two soldiers (I don't know who they are-French, German, Austrian, Turks, Doughboys, Bulgarians,Russians) shooting a machine gun in the first World War, and I assume that they're being gassed... Thanx for the comment.
first upload a picture and then just name it my_background.gif or .jpg. that should do it. let me know if you need more help. :)
Thanks.. and thats cool, i like getting comments, i think im gonna start commenting ppl's diaries too. thank u . take care.
yeah i do want it to be true.. very much true. but u cant always get what u want right.? dman lol how do u get so many comments..
i was never sure if i wanted to go either. but when i saw the dress i knew i had to.

why wouldn't you go?
woot woot woot

i love taker... but you're right the dead man thing is old and kinda corny now. i will add you to my friends and to my b/l! my sn for AIM btw is

Shine X Through

IM me anytime!!

lol you uploaded the pic you want as your background right? well just rename the picture as my_background.gif or jpg (whichever kind it is) and it should show up as your background
lol no, i thought i did but i dont think i do anymore i dk i dont careeeeeeeee!! im just guna leave it how it is.
they're the deftones!!!!
do you not like them anymore? lol
oh cool diary by the way! have a good night!! lol
haha thanks=) i like urs too..the header is cool!
alright thank you love!!
thanks for the comment. wow you have a lot of comments
my header picture is of ville valo
Thnx for likin my left picture! I like yours too! Who's the hottie?
(0) (0)
=( n _ n )=

=P Fixed it for you.

Nobody's perfect. I'm nobody. So, I guess that makes me perfect. =^ ^= -Giggle-
yeh thats true...u must have lotsa pic of ur bunni... haha...yeh u got alotta uh comments n stuff... do u just go onto ppls sites and write random things than they write u back?hehe...well lates!
My real names Frostie.
Does that mean you want one of me?
*Jumps on her!*
I have an owner!!!
thanks i like my colors too.<3dannie
thank you!! what kind of music do you listen to now?
Whoa ... I was listening to Swing Swing 3 times in a row ... then I got your comment and read your entry. Weird. Either the All-American Rejects are more popular than I thought or there is some sort of weird particle-psyche-bond between us. Well I guess I don't mind because you have a cool picture and 65 comments.
yeah, as in the beatles song.... or as in the girl on almost famous (which would also be reffering to the beatles song)
its the same as putting a header picture, but put backround in the formula thing instead
Danka for liking my journal thingymajig. I do it for other peoples enjoyment really. I hope to keep you enthralled with my continuing stupidity. :D
no i dont have Aim. i live in Montreal how bout u? do u have msn if u do add me my email is: lilgreekbaby@hotmail.com
i know my email name is kinda stupid but im gonna change it soon
yeah i feel special lol.. i added u too . what school do u go to?
yeah i know they're awesome.
does it look ugly as a background should i change it?
the one where you put it on the left hand side, like by the guy.. i guess he's jumping i dono with the why me tie.. lol i dont know how to do it! if you're going to explain it.. you might wanna do it on AIM, i'm so slow! thanks babe!
i dont know i thought it was kool tho so i just used it ..lol
Thanks. -Grins-

Your diary is cool too.

You shouldn't have so many entries on one page though. It takes too long for the page to load. =P

-Psycho Bunny-
yea he looks like joel because he's benji {joel's twin} haha

thanks for the comment I think I'll take your advice.

thankyou :)
thanks man yours too
thats of iam random all the time people think iam wierd for being random but its all good.

yeah my header is a little bit of my art work so thing for the comment i guess
Thank you dixie.. you're so wonderful! thank you thank you thank you thank you for being my friend! im so happy i met you beautiful! :) xox..

Aww, you didn't have to do that. Lol.

But good. =x

It took way too long to load. Haha.

Anywho, I guess I'll add you to my friend's list as well!!! =)

Hope you had a great day.


I have 2 friends that truly care so much and I don't know what I would do without them. One is an online buddy and the other is an old fling. Its just so hard getting up each morning and going to bed each night becuse so much happens during the day. I just don't know anymore, I'm so confuzed, my brain is on overdrive. What's your e-mail, I want to send you something
thanks for the comment, my background is from a cartoon.
Ty,ty *takes a bow* Heh, sorry I'm just a little weird today. Thanks for the comment 'n glad ya like my pictures.. oh and yes that's me lol.

hey, thanx 4 the comment. yep u guessed right HIM r my fave band!!! and im gonna agree with u on their a kool band thng.this is gonna be a strange Q but who is the guy on the left <- i have a ides but i want to see if i am right. lou
same here
My e-mail is pnkpig@msn.com and my AIM is ernhatzu or pnkpig1199
yeah thats kool. no i m gonna check them out tho i am gonna add u aswell. he looks really cute!!c ya. lou
oh yes. the goonies = the shit

as well as the starting line.. i dont think i will ever stop loving them lol
Hmeh. What's unexpected about a little bit of surrealism? Or was it the bare breasts that did it? =P
ur bunni ran away?:S that suxs... what made that come into ur mind i like didnt write n e thing about bunnis haha meh thanx for the comment i guess...:S lol
Bare breasts always wake me up.
Well, unless they're my own. Then they're just boring.
oh im sorry! (for my screen name reminding u of ur bunni) well n e ways sorri once again...byes
dudeeee you rock, of course its shawn michaels, hahaha i heart wrestling veryyyyyy much. you watch it a lot?? whose your fav??
