[[°º92º°]] Regrets are great..

Listening to: Green Day-Basket Case
Feeling: rejuvenated
Well, Elizabeth broke up with Jake for me today. I only regret that I didn't do it myself. I just didn't want to be mean. I guess I should have done it on my own but I couldn't. But I mean. Breaking up with him is way better than leading him on in thinking that I love him. I just didn't. I can't help that. I wish I would have never told him I loved him, because maybe now I would still be with him. Well, everything goes on. He'll get over me quickly.
Read 69 comments
yes i do...my sn is nothingleftdrums
nothin like my new diary i updated it
I like your diary too
i got a mix, its a 93 :o) curvy yet huge and still very much a cadillac
yeah i like the clash too... and i have a cadillac :o)
thx I seriously do like your diary
I hope you dont mind if I add u to my friends list
i love green day, they kick ass.
how do you get a picture on the side like u do?
Thanks for thinking that I'm pretty and thanks for the comment :-) talk soon..

i see..you make me laugh...i am going to shower...i smell like pool water and nasty mixed together!!!
Thanks. The only pic that I'm in is the top left pic. I'm the one with the black hair. Lata-Ronnie rivera Junior
Yeah, he is a very good-lookin boy. ;) I love the tie, especially.

Aw, thank you for saying that my layout pics are pretty. :) That picture over your name is hilarious. Who is that?

im 17...i need a boyfriend....i dont care what age he is!!!...well once he at least looks older than me like..im not that desperate...
...immature guys are cool though...once they're not immature constantly
hey thanx! yea it is colorful huh? hehe -kim :)
in the header of my diary its a band called Pillar. they are awesome
yeah i thought that was what it meant all right....im from ireland so i dont have aol...but hey i gotta go sleep now....talk to yas some other time okays
header picture is ac/dc

party on!
i have no idea what the a in aim stands for!!!...but anyways i have msn if thats what u mean
never mind the wording...that hardly ever happens lol....
...anyways do tell what the a stands for coz me haev wanted to know for long time!!
lol yeah they're trouble sometimes but they're good for stuff too ;)..sure without them we'd have no good music!!!
aw man...u cant go out with him just coz you feel sorry!!hes yung..he'll get over it..
thanks. i love that picture :-) its fun.
Whey hey, Green Day... cool
yeah...faeries are pretty....i wish i was one!....*sigh* anyways...here i see yet another girl waaay younger than me talkin bout breakin up with a guy...wish i had that problem......doopdedoop nevermind...toodles
nothin important really
I could chat with u but I cant add u or my mom wont let me on AIM anymore
it's a photo lewis carroll took.

he was quite....fond of children.
whats your name?
ya but my mom checks to see if I realy know the people
do u have AIM
Spank you very much.

hey lol.. thanks for the comment! that was me being stupid at the beach hahaha it was soo much fun! :P


lol! I can tell you like the small things :) I added you as a friend :D

Heh heh
I like my fishy bowl cursor too! ^^

Sid Vicious and Nancy? :) Yay.
i dread my gf will do that to me...cause i am inlove with herm thanx for the comment, nice journal


Aw you have no idea what that means to me! I look like Kirsten Dunst and my boyfriend looks like Freddy Prinze Jr.! Yay!

So yeah, you were wrong, but it was a good kind of wrong. :D
I don't have AIM as I am so anti-aol it's not even funny.

Well it is but just a little bit.

yay for being cool! Stoke the ego even more, yes...then I will rule the world.
man that sucks that your stomach hurts i hope you feel better...

( Patty )
i have no idea how to explain it.. i got most of my info from htmlandgraphix diary.. there are tons of how to's on there.. hope that's some help!

-holly xx
I hate guilt. Guilt of telling lies is the worst that I've ever experienced, though...don't you agree?

you're added too. yay! :D
that's why saying "I love you" without meaning it is so uncool.
sorry about that.

Thanx! Everything worked out good for prom.

That sux about your bf/ex-bf, all will turn out in the end eventually. All relationships or past relationships do.

broke up with him yesterday, get back with him today hmmmm. that kind of shit canfuses the hell out of guys, trust me.
i'm back now and i have writen. i hope you enjoy my boringness.
hey, how are u? i am fint but i am getting pissed off with my diary coz it wont let me put a pic in my comments it says it is not allowed!!! i have to wrok tonight cant be assed!! lou x
hey i liike your diary. i have a friend named jake..hez gay nd fatt :p. all jakes are gay nd werid. i hope you feel better about the break-up nd i noe jake is probably missing you too.
talk to me if you need advice or whenever.
mmm... well...it's okay... it's hard to get over girls..but somehow it always happens... poor kid..but hey...you did what you felt was right... and "leading people on" sucks..so you did good...bye bye

yeah that happens to most people i talk to ... i still like them JELYBEANS
o thats cool.
theres a picture of a guy on the left.
who is he?

also this is kinda random but who is the guy in << that picture.
plus i like the name dixie.
your not boringg hehe. nd ya i have AIM.. my sns are sHakEitTuP and UlnEvanOe... also im with my friend nd she likes your diary too.. her sn is nohwatitseemz..and so is her diary..can she add you as a friend too? also what is you sn?
i read almost all your entrys. there cool nd there good. can i add you as my friend?
...hun you cant help if you dont love someone he'll be okay and if he really cares about you (which it sounds like he does) he'll deal with it and respect your decision.


yeah he is hot ...lots of people come to my diary to say that i feel kinda of special in a weird way lol
yeah 7 siblings, but i only believe i have 3 or 4 the other ones i just ignore and pretend they moved to Albakurqy
haha thanx.. hes in a band from around here.. hott stuff.. lol bye
Hey thanx, Dont worry she cant do anything to me so I am not scared of her so you know, well IM me or something "Latex"

thanks! =)
i also have my other diary psykopathalien.. nobody comments on that one that much anymore :(
anytime :)

later days

Thanks~ You too. ttyl~