[[°º133º°]] Would you hold me if you could?

Feeling: alone
And everything I can't remember, As fucked up as it all may seem. The consequences that I've rendered. I've gone and fucked things up again. Why must I feel this way? Just make this go away. Just one more peaceful day! This songs reminds me of how I feel now. I hate not talking to him. I hate to complain over and over that he's never here but it's something I can't help. I love him more than anything that I have ever loved before and I just wish I could be with him and then I wouldn't have to worry about where he is and what not. I would cry because I was happy. I don't know. Maybe one day I'll end up with him. Like when he gets out of school. Maybe this summer everything will be like it used to be. I worry about him so much and I can't take it. I didn't think about him for a long time and I don't even know how I didn't. But then he came online a few times and now I think about him a lot. Too much now. Too much to where I cry about him just like I used to. There was always pain in our relationship but now that our relationship is of only friends, it's even worse.
Read 8 comments
i absolutely love your journal. :)

lol =) how do u make the hearts?

x33 ali
haha, thanks :]

♥ ali
lol the water is always perfect when i go..and yeah it is kinda a weird posistion...but its cool.
and ive been ok..how about you?
mmm i wouldn't say perfect...he has sum flaws but when you love someone you dont care about anything really but that person...kool diary by the way.
heehee, no ^^;;

bored, no fun >_<

i'm a lil giggly at the moment :D lol

later! ^^
i think you're right. i am happier without jesse. but i miss him. i really do.
i so love this gucci rush 2 icon you have up. and the lyrics to that song... awesome.
your diary kicks my ass.