
He never wanted me to tell anyone but hell here it goes... He cheated on me, with Julia. And the entire time we were fighting.. he never choose me. He says im the reason hes unhappy. Like i can control his emotions. He took me off of his friends list on myspace. and shes #1. He cheated on me, dumped me and replaced me with her. I hate him so much becuase he broke my heart but i cant help btu still love him because of everything weve been through. My entire spare room couch is full of his things or things that remind me of him. I cant listen to music because no matter what it is it depresses me. I have a hard time watchig tv for the same reason. Its like everythingthat meant anything to us before means nothing to him now. Its like our song, the song that meant so much, that he made an entire cd of just that song for me, means nothing. He never deserved someone as nice and honest and caring as me. Because he was never any of those to me. He says he still loves me, or so i think. but i dont think i believe him, because if he loved me he woudl show me he was sorry. which i have yet to see any sort of appology aside from "I'm sorry" come from hom when it was pulled. I dont deserve this right at the time when i decide to go to college, when i have my senior papper, senior project, my make up homescholing, and regualr school to do still. But when he went through all this i helped him as best as i knew how. When things get though on his end he bolts, or shuts everyone out. Everyone who means anything to him like his family, and me. But hey i cant make him do anything, i cant even make him own up to the face he broke my heart. I hope he never has to have this ammount of pain in his life, and if he does i hope its worse.
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He never deserved you, and he doesn't even deserve the time you spend thinking about him.

He's a complete douchemonger,and he better PRAY I never see him around.

Call me anytime, no matter what, if it's you I'll pick up.