
My dad is moving away. My dad a couple of weeks ago got a job interview in Florida, in the area my parents are planning on moving to after i go to college. We found out a couple of days ago he got the job. So my parents are leaving to go get him settles on the 5th of July. Which means only a couple more days of me having a full time father. My dad and i have a very strange relationship. I have only hear the man talk to me less then 100 times. Hes here occasionally but most of the time i only say "Good Night" to him all day, for days on end. --------- I went to college orientation last week. It was so damn boring aside from the car ride and being in the dorm room with Sara. I have come to realize she is going to make my vocabulary very crude. It's going to be an interesting time at college with her as my room mate since she is hysterical, loud, crude, outspoken and strange. I cant wait to see how our room looks after 3 days. Its going to be bad.
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Man that sucks about your dad leaving :/

I hope college is good for you.