
well i woek up this morning.. did nothing.. did some more nothing. so now im ewating my dinner from last night for lunch.. and then some guy came from my moms college and i had to get changed outta my pj's quick so i didnt look like a moron nor did i want him to see my pajamas... only for james to see. so for now im sitting here doing nothing well thats didnt last long. mom called me out so then i acually had to sociallize withthis guy... bleh. hes trying to sell my mom these books for college and high school (i guess they could help but $450 for 7 books that we may possibly use?? i think not but i guess she wants to spend the money. w/e) so hes all like "i want your oppinion on it.. blah blah blah.." so i said i liked the spanish part where it congigates everthing for you already. so i guess its ok.. but hes like.. "ill have to come back againto drop them off *looks at me* so you can hang out with me somemore" and right then i was like *ass hole m quite happily taken.. hit on chics your own age.. bleh* so now i retorted to the computer where as i dont have to look a this freak anymore. i hope he leaves now.. soi dont have to deal with his stupidity. so now i have no idea what the hell their talking about but w/e.. UPDATE: i just was told that i would not be allowed to ride to school with james.. it was a serious blow to my 'dream'. so now im stuck with the fucking bus with out james; or make him suffer and ride it with me.. but its his choice... he can ride with me on the bus or take his car... bleh this fucking day sucks. UPDATE: 2 i want to cry UPDATE: 3 well james came over and we worked on our couch for a while.. its almost done.. spiffyness. so nwo all re have to do is paint the basement (not hardly anything) and finish making the couch and slip covers. so then we went for a walk in the woods.. i was afraid of birds... and a motorcycle and then we came home and ate. then hing out for a bit then took him home. it was kinda lousy cause we never got to be really alone. bleh stupid.
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Is it alright if I can come over and kick him in the face??
i did nothing all this mroing to..then i wnet to the
yeah i hate when they dotn have thing syou wnat & need.