lets go to hell

Feeling: pure
YEAH THATS RIGHT IM FEELIN PUNK ROCK, BITCH!!! anyways i came back from my grandpartents 50th aniversery. i got to see all my relitives, jesus christ there are so many (we're mexican) at the thing we got to listen to punk rock and hard rock music the whole time (ac/dc, led zeppelin, ramones, misfits, rush, and some iron maiden). all my cousins think im so cool for some reason. dude i want to get out and play in the band with joaquin, eric, and adrian man its going to be good. i hope they wont be lazy like my other band. if things go good with this one im just going to ditch HeterodoX cause they dont do anything.
Read 14 comments
im not mad at u just irritated but i will miss u even if u dont miss me
wow.. its kinda far when guys start scratcing their balls outside their pants... this is just too far!!

cracks me up

cool diary.

love alex
heterodox for life!

is it all just falling apart without me?**sarcasm**
thats funny that melissa bitched at you for spelling hannah's name wrong when she did it herself.
omg u feel punk rock?? and questions WTF is that pic?!?
hey u got a s/n on yahoo or AIM?
dunna dunna dunna dunna batman!!!!
1. me being homeschooled has absolutely nothing to do with my so called lack of social skills
2. thank you for donating like three entries to my name, makes me feel special
3. obviously not everyone hates me, seeing as people keep sticking up for me. just because you're bitter and p-rock doesn't mean i'm a bitch.
Hey You! Whach ya up to? Well.. I just wanted to say hi! ~ Tori
is that u in the pic?haha nice
i said i'm done with this shit talking.
upload the image you want...then rename it as my_background.jpg or my_background.gif and then it should work.... :-)