so long...and thanks for all the shoes

Listening to: dr. know
Feeling: relaxed
well i now know what rejection feels like. its probobly the worse thing ive ever had to endure. i thought it was cause shed loved someone else. now i realized its some fault in my own. this is the worst thing thats ever happened to me. i finally feel "love" tward another girl and it only hurts me. this is probobly my final entry. i really dont care about anything anymore except getting fucked up. bye everyone, i hope you have better luck than i did.
Read 6 comments
this entry made me feel like shit...something you've been making me feel a lot of lately.
wow esteban is a pretty un-sensitive person when it comes to stuff like this...
listen just wasnt meant to be...there are other great girls out there you jsut gotta get your monkey ass out there and find one.
i love you man...we all do. dont let a girl get you down...this is the 805 bitch rep hard or die...hahahaha i cant believe i just said that...ahhh bawlls.
wellim off to go shave my head and listen to skrewdriver and hate blacks.
anthony. estiban was a little harsh. but you know, your an amazing sweet and wonderful person. and if some girl doesnt want you....thats her loss not yours. your going to find someone else alot better. things just werent meant to be and thats all you can take from this. you made me feel better when i was all bummed about josh...and i got over it. you will too. it just hurts right now. if you need someone to talk to, im here.
its probably doesnt help, but i hope you feel better.
aw man that sucks.
i hope things will get alot brighter soon son, because your to cool to be down.