The AnarcotiX

Listening to: cheap sex
Feeling: alive
i made my bum flap. its cool. so i went to see james and the mexicans and it was fuckin good. i saw all my old buds: devin, nick, jonny, melissa, bret, khalah, jenna, melissa. it was cool. there was some big mother fuckers in the pit. i got numbers of brusies on my arms and one big fuckin bruise by my elbow when i hit the stage. so im in a new punk rock band thats pretty good. we are The AnarcotiX bitch!!! devin poso:vocals, seth:bass, estaban:drums, and me:guitar. we have our own songs that we made and we do cybergod by nausea and cosmetic pleage by rudimentary peni. we have good songs. in HeterodoX it seemed like all we did was do metallica and iron maiden songs. fuck metallica. i like iron maiden but i dont like covering their songs. and it was fuckin lame that none of my friends from foothill inluding bret went in the pit? fuckin pussies!!! ya just got to grow some balls and jump in. i thought it was fuckin lame cause all bret wanted to do is chill outside and walk around. i was there to listen to good tunes and punch fuckin faces. i aint going to just walk around.
Read 11 comments
talk to me at school fucker!
Dude, do really have a problem against my anti-drug use believes? That's fine if you do, but realize I lost my best friend to marijuana, and I don't plan on loosing anymore.

On a better note, I love you man, and I'll see you later.
ya i would have went into the pit but i was attached to my girlfriend the whole time. ya but good for you finally out of metallica. i knew it would have happened sooner or later. but you dont like covering iron maiden? hmmmmmmmmm ya heterodox was like more of a metal band. the only reason i really stayed in it was because i like being in a band with you.
fuck you bitchez doing cybergod. get your own cover asswhipe.
u dont punch people in the pit u dumb ass, thats just not right, unless their skin heads then its perfectly fine to kick the shit out of them. haha.
hey dude, me and devin want to call the band ORDONEZ. wouldnt that be really cool. i cant the little sguiggly over the n though. when can you practice on the weekends? it will be hard to talk my mom into letting me go on a week day. well i wiil see what i can do it is going to be so fucking cool. later foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooof.
u mention my name twice and i was soo fucken up there in the show just not in the pit cause i wasnt with kayci or gladys hey wait gladys soo went in there are u crazy haha well talk to u later talk to me! love u bye~Mel
im so glad i got to see you today. i miss you so much. i wanna be able to see you all the time again.
bitch i go in pits.
so recognize, slut.