we barely talk...dont you notice? hehe well see ya
hey whats up man, ya thats a bad ass pic. hey we should hang out this brake and get drunk or something. alight well seeya later man.

scincerely: jon nichols
have you ever heard of the clothing line called Amnbiguous that sells Skate clothes and such..?

hmm just a andom thought. feel free to shoot me in the head for this one. BYE!
FUCK! I hope I dont bleed all over your SWEEET ambiguous skate gear..PLUG!

-well, that was annoying.
oh babe, of course! The man who puts a hole in my head can most certainly bone the hole in my....

where the hell am I going with this?
haha, how many times do you want to ask me this one? Bit its ok I Prefer teh senile type. Im 16 , son. And here's a little clue 'lest you forget again.. check up in the top left of my diary. I have my age posted up there 24/7 as sort fo a courtesy thing.. you know how it is!

Also, love making by the fire, im down!
wow my font went all crazy on that one.
awww gay I love this pic...... o.k.
dude have you ever heard of the ambiguously gay duo? their these two gay dudes on saturday night live and they fight crime in all kinds of gay ways. tis' hilarious. peace out
ive been rotting away doing nothing. ive been so goddam bored dude seriously. we should all hang one of these days.
you see,i looked at the title then i see 'peni' and im like yoo forget ze s
jes chri
that made me laff
haha thats cool