hey stranger! yeah finals suck ass! i've been studying all day
ya finals lick balls
dude if you like oxymoron...you should hear "one way system". peace out doosh
hey you "too cool" piece of shit. You NeVeR talk to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DUDE! the guy in the above pic reminds me of Che Guevara!!aaaw too bad about the hair thing. Damn you hair!!Grow!! Groooow!!! ..Jesus smokes the best cannabis...
oh yeh.. did you ever think, that if youre mom gave you're dad head, you basically had a 50% chance of being digested instead of being born? hehe..i'll suck your cock at a million o'clock! Yummy
hahaha i was sick so i didnt have to go do finals, actually it sucks cuzz ill have to make up finals.
how would you ever effend me?? that's crazy! and i was just kidding!! god you're sesitive. you can't be yourself? we're barely friends cuz friends talk...whatever i'm over it
hey whats up? no one ever writes in these anymore. the mohawk is punk. later.