im really sick

didnt sleep much last night because i was coughing all night. this morning i had a really bad cough attack. so bad that my nose started bleeding. now theres blood all in my bed. so my mom rushed me to the doctor. he examined me n shit and it turns out i have a serious lung infection. he said i have to take this medicine but it might not work. ugh i feel terrible. this is literally torchure. oh yeah i havent eaten any meat yet. doing good so far.
Read 9 comments
omg, dude, i hope that medicine works for u...
oh dude I'm that why you didnt go to nick's?
that's shitty. get better nigga.
hey, omg yea, lol thats awesome...haha well i HOPE ur feeling better...and my crazzy friend nikki says hi and she hopes ur feeling better too...shes over write now. so ttyl...
nah Ill ask her some other time and well have it for sure. peace outie 5000.
hot top pic ahahhaa
lol i just had this image of an old lady in new york going
"oii get me some vadddkaaa"
ok im high
happy new yearsssk
get better my love!
why only veggies? haha mr. healthy. meat is sick. well catch ya later
hey, i love ur new picture..haha vodka is the shit....