i'm just a crazy kind of girl

Feeling: cautious
Is it weird that I put the song name first and then the band? Most people do it the opposite way. But then again, i'm not most people. I got my ticket for THE BLACK CLOUDS AND UNDERDOGS TOUR today. I'm soo excited for it even though it's two months away.
xits CRACK bxtch: OMG THIS GIRL GOT TO SEE CELINE DION IN CONCERT @#$%^&* jrad7891: she isnt all that great jrad7891: celine xits CRACK bxtch: you didn't just say that. jrad7891: i did xits CRACK bxtch: i'ma kill you
I take my Celine very serious. Image hosted by Photobucket.com
xits CRACK bxtch: GOODNIGHT WHOREBUCKET ♥ Murder Tramp 8: night slutshoes (??)
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oh no...j-rad shouldn't have said that...