miss new booty

Listening to: Green Day - Green Day
Feeling: bonkers
Haha. That's funny. I'm listening to Green Day by Green Day. FXCKING FUNNY. So it was my birthday Friday. WOO. It was pretty fxcking sweet. And weird. I'll put more up about that later. Right now i'm really tired. Like seriously tired. And it's only one something in the morning. How strange is that for me. To be tired. At 1AM. On a Saturday night. Okay it's Sunday morning. Same thing. Shhh. C'MON BARBIE, LET'S GO PARTY! 1:17AM
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your my doll,
rock and roll,
feel the glamour and pain.
Kiss me here,
touch me there
;;Hanky Panky
Happy post-Birthday!! =D