welcome to a new kind of tension.

Feeling: bewildered
you're kidding me?! i'm listening to Green Day?? whatthefuck. this song never gets old :] to go to Curves alone or not..? that is the question. I would.. but there's scary old women that eat children. okayy.. maybe they're not scary but still. weee. crackfacewhoremotherfuckerdie. haa sry. Image hosted by Photobucket.com it makes me wonder when I grow to be that age, will I be walking down the street begging for spare change? 4:30pm EDIT 11:18pm you walk around without a soul sunken eyes and dreadlocked hair but yet you've found the light how you managed i'm not so sure but i'll keep trying just like you and I know in the end it can't be you know it can't stop telling me it will always left out in the dark only reaching for the light you've found it now and i'm left without you walk around so depressed but you have light in your life something i've never had and I know she loves me and I know he cares too much but the difference in our understanding is that i'll never be and you'll live on happily. I won't deny it any longer I want what you've had for soo long but gone without. to fill this feeling with hopeful thoughts and dreams unscathed by lonely nights. and though you can't feel it it'll come soon enough and i'll be left in the dark once again and you can't possibly understand the feeling of my darkness the only thing i've ever felt untouched by light and looked right through by human eyes.
Read 5 comments
old people are scary in general
heyya i love greednday there like heapz gud live too like one of the best eva....i seen them when they came downunder this year i think there here now...but there not cum where i live well anywayzn luv ya diary...
amba xox
yep i live in australia....not that many bands cum down here but when they do they dont cum ova to wa perth much but they have been this year im not sure y i think it cause they no we dont get much ova here well byezz luv amba xox
billie's hair is too long.
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except < instead of [

ps-nice diary