short sweet and boring

Listening to: none
Feeling: blah
Yesterday was awesome. My mom let me sleep in until I wanted to wake up. Then she gave me a ride to the pathetic excuse for a last day of school. I talked to a few of the people I saw there. Mortal was trying to sk8. It was really funny. I saw mike and decided we should go wake Scott up and get him to drag his xbox around. So we got back to school set the xbox up in weeks’ room and played some Bomber man and halo. Then we watched some random movie. Mr. weeks had to go so Adam got his new girlfriend (a hippie colored pc that wasn’t exactly new). Then Scott Mike and I went to Mikes house. We watched mind hunters. Then mike had to go so we played foosball and darts while we waited for a ride to become available. Scott’s mom came and was being all winy and dropped us off at his house. Then Teresa shows up and takes us to Dan’s house. Which was fun but its was kind of Dan and Nicole, Teresa and Scott, and me. I felt kinda awkward. Its been such a long time since I had really had a blow out day I had forgotten what it was like to feel popular. I have and probably will continue to feel really depressed as of late. It sux. I don’t quite know why. I wish I did so I could just fix the problem and be all happy. My mom last night was like you have to do all this stuff before you can do anything tomorrow. Screw her I am not doing all that crap. I didn’t swear yay!
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yay for not swearing!

Yes, I can see how you would feel awkward last night but it was really a spur of the moment thing and I didn't know you were at Scott's and I didn't call Katherine or anything....low on gas, yes. dah.


Hope you feel better soon.