The modern world

Feeling: reflective

I'm under the firm belief that music has taken a turn for the worse.

We used to be trying to compose 5 man symphonies of unlimited power and potential. Now we want to listen to one person sit and play a guitar and thats enough.

Something is seriously wrong with this.

I've also come to realize that everyone (myself included) is seriously unhappy with their life.

I blame the invention of TV and the internet.

I know, I know. I love my internets too. But if we didn't have so many consumer driven ideas of what happiness is, maybe we'd realize that happiness is doing things. Happiness is going places, and seeing things, and making stuff, and creating, and defining... and then breaking those definitions with all new ones.

But we've forgotten all that because happiness can now be bought on every channel for three easy payments of $19.95, by calling 1-800-EAT-MEAT, or by giving your credit card to Amazon.

So here's why I am saying this; I know that modern convenience is great, but we all need to remember the old people and old ideas that got us here. All I'm saying is remember a little courtesy, use your manners, be honest, and try thinking about somebody else sometimes.

I used to be really good about thinking about others. Then I found myself spending all my time with people who never thought about me and I found that if I didn't spend some time on me I got severely neglected. Now I am a selfish codger of a man and I can't seem to give it up as easy as I found it. But I'm also not nearly so happy as when I made others happy.

If we all were a little more old fashioned, we'd be just a little closer to each other, and a little better off.

So who's with me?

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i think we should be more old fashioned in the food we buy and the ingredients we use, how about that?