Four Flowers

This comes from my dreams. Please tell me what you think it means. I have embellished the story slightly and I hope it doesn't taint the meaning. Four Flowers Somewhere across the green expanses of Asia, long ago, stood a princess, waiting. She stood poised on a rock set firmly in the side of a grassy hill. In front of her lay all of Asia, lush and green and awakening with promise and potential. But she did not stray from her perch on the rock laying on the side of the grassy hill. She waited there every day for her arranged fiance, a knight. It was this knight who would take her into this sweet, rich, world and love her, he need only come and claim her. And it was for this hope that she spent her every day waiting on the rock. As in all good stories, the knight eventually came to meet his future wife. He first noticed the mask she wore, a porcelain plate with painted cheeks and beautiful glassy lips, spread just far enough to make out her real mouth beneath them. She was also wearing an exceptionally fine dress with gold filigree stitched throughout accented by jade beading and long flowing silk sleeves and a skirt that danced and sparkled in the sunlight. The knight stepped confidently from his horse and bowed in greeting. Crossing the distance from his horse to her rock with no more than the acknowledgment for conversation. He stared less than politely at her masked face and brilliantly adorned figure and smiled to himself. the princess smiled weekly in greeting, her hair dancing in the wind, and the knight then noticed something strange, her teeth seemed to be onyx or some near thing for they were dark rather than the brilliant white he had so expected to see. And the knight pressed closer, preparing to lift the mask and kiss her, claiming his bride and riding off into the sunset. But as he lifted the mask his face turned to rage and disgust. This was no beautiful princess as he had been promised but a "foul looking beast." His last thoughts escaped as a hiss from clenched teeth. "an ox, an adder, anything but this whore!" He spat, shoving the mask roughly onto her spittle covered face and knocking her from her perch on the rock as he turned swiftly and in one sweep crossed the distance back to his horse. As he looked back he saw the princess, tears streaming from behind the mask. She gazed up, a look of pleading in her eyes, and she exclaimed "four flowers," meaning "the world understands, but I do not understand." Without reply the prince road off down the grassy hill and out of sight missing the true beauty of the woman laying shamed and battered on a weathered rock, on the side of a grassy hill.
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