
I'm having a hard time sorting myself out. Waking up these days seams nearly impossible. I do it every morning, but there is some untimely dread in each morning. I want so badly for everything to work out, and as of yesterday afternoon, I am attracting calm, happy, joyful, goodness. I am also going to get more done every day. I think I might move out as well. I need to find a decent apartment though, and a part time job. In full honesty, this is what I am working to solve. I'm not as good a person as I need to be. I don't carry with me the spirit I need to. I'm not as happy as I should be. I can't accept good things the way I should. I'm not very decisive as far as activities. I'm not living up to my godly potential. The last thing on that list is the most important. I have started slacking off and I need to regain my standard of truth and justice. I am truly one of "the great ones" and I need to live up to that expectation every minute. Also, just in case you were wondering, this is motivational, not depressing.
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woo motivation! have you ever tried going to a different church? just a thought.