Lets do something different

a broken gentleman in a torn tuxedo walks along an abandoned street. and just as he plants one foot firmly into the dust he raises his head to the sky and shouts, "come what may, come hell or high water, bring on your worst but I've done my best." At that exact moment lightning splits the sky crashing a million miles an hour onto the mans bent frame and sucks his lifeless corpse into oblivion. less than a second later the left silver cuff link from his sleeve pierces the soft dirt to lay amidst the darkened earth once more. A half a world away a man lifts his head from his soggy dream world to start another day, clueless as to the events preceding his awakening. Lifting his tired feet from the covers he places each into its respective, indistinct, gray slipper and pulls on an equally dreary bathrobe. lifting his frame lightly from the bed he slides into the shower in what he thought would be a normal, average, anything but unusual day. Just the kind he had grown to like. Promptly at 7:04 and 37 seconds, however, the phone rang. "Harrison Jay Spitzer?" Questioned the voice, rather authoritatively. "Yes." Replied Harrison Jay Spitzer, or Jay, as he liked to be called. for you see Harrison Jay Spitzer, who was not at all accustomed to having his morning interrupted (especially not before breakfast) had nothing else to say. "We have some urgent business which requires your immediate attention. Meet me at the corner of Dewey and Lancaster, I will take you from there." ordered the voice. "what do you mean we? What business? What does this involve?" but before Harrison Jay Spitzer could get any information from this strange caller the phone line went dead. He was left to ponder, wet and hungry, and a little worried. To Be Continued... and the best part is, you decide how. tell me where you would like the story to go. Is this a dramatic action novel, a high adventure thriller, a sappy romance, or even a ludicrous science fiction saga. You decide!
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i think it should be a high, ludicrous, thrilling romance action sci fi.