
ha, my computer edits all the posts on here so when people use expletives they come out as poop and butt and stuff. Its really funny to read these angry articles and when they start to rant it says things like "I am sick of this poop!" and such. Its been a sort of mixed day, for a Monday it was amazing, but still could have been better. Not that any of this is my fault but I was all happy and was just kinda sitting around enjoying life, I had been called to do stuff and stayed home for food instead, so I didn't feel bad about being stuck home. Then I started watching TV and channel five had this special on the Virginia Tech shooting and for some reason it really hit home, HARD! so I came upstairs and emailed a hole bunch of people to see if I could set up some kind of memorial service or something, which made me feel much better again, and then I started thinking about how much death and depression and hunger and yada yada yada... and I decided there is no point in pretending to be all sad and depressed and stuff. I may have had a bad childhood by American standards, but I bought me some penny candies, and know what Legos are. That means I am within the top five percent of the worlds wealth. I am also freaking sexy (don't try to tell me otherwise) and a genius, and despite my many flaws, I should be able to be happy lots more often than I find myself able to be. I guess all I am really saying is that I hopefully have suddenly kicked into that good guy I have been trying to be lately, because I already have done something so much different from what I would normally do by simply trying to reach out instead of bottling up whatever was bothering me and letting it ferment or die inside where nobody knows about it. It feels very liberating. With all that said, maybe we should hold a sitdiary vigil
for the Virginia Tech students, to those out there who died, their families, the survivors, and the many more, who are effected by the events of this day, April 16th, 2007: I offer any help I am able, and my sincerest apologies for the tragedy which occurred. May your losses and sorrow be but a moment of pain, and may this tragedy serve as a reminder and a lesson for the rest of the world. That the loss of so many precious friends, siblings, colleagues, and people of the human race, may not go unnoticed.
May those of us who so often simply choose to not care about the tragic events of the world around us, remember this one. May we apathetic few, gain empathy. May we cease to turn the cold shoulder to those in pain, and one piece at a time pick up the shards of this broken world we live in. It is only by remembering that we are the human race, united in our desire to survive, and be joyful, that we may truly solve the problems of this world. May this tragic event come to some good, and may it further us toward a cause of such idealistic beauty.
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