New Outlook

Hi everyone! You know what, I have been complaining and blaming and just being this kind of person who mopes around and cries, regretting things in my life, and missing things that were in my life. But you know what! I don't want to be miserable anymore!! I am changing my life and I am starting over! If I have ever hurt anyone, or blamed anyone for anything or just have been mean and complaining to you a lot! I am sooo sorry! I've been a brat and a lousy person! I'm changing my life! And if you can't forgive me for whatever I have done to you, I don't blame you. You don't have to forgive me. It would be nice, but I'm not going to let it bother me! I'm not going to let anything bother me! Oh, and just to let everyone know...........................I AM SOO BORED!!! I've been here almost every day, just sitting and doing this! lol, I need a play mate!! Emily and Brad are awesome and I hang out with them quite a bit though. But I think they're getting sick of me. lol I hope not, cause I like playing with them. But if anyone just wants to save me from my house, PLEASE do so!!! I love you all muchly, and I hope everything works out for everyone!! Especially those who are having an especially hard time. ~Britney Francis~
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If I had a car and license I would come play with you. Sorry babe.
