144-Maybe Someday

Listening to: The cure-Ocean
Feeling: whiney
So, do you want to hear about my life? Of course you don't, but I'll strap you down, duck tape you, and tape your eyes open whether you like it or not. So, life is weird! Things change and your mind just numbs the further you go. I've been thinking a lot about different things. BIG, life changing, things. I don't want to think them, because when I think them, they never come true, so my mind is preparing itself for the worst, even though it doesn't know what the worst is. I miss Landon so much! I hung out with him on Friday, but I was in a bad mood from the day's recent events. So I was a little grumpy with him. But not to the extreme! I tried to feel better, and he being there helped, but he said that I was an Idaho driver. I didn't need that. So we went to my house and watched his baby videos. HE WAS SOOOOOOOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!! Oh my gosh! He was just.......GAH! So cute! So I had to take him home at 11:30 and my parents made my little sister Keli come with us. So I got to his house and I was hoping for a kiss or even just a hug, but he quickly got out and said bye. I felt like crying! It was like he just wanted to get away! I did cry a little that night from my horrible day. Then the next day at 5:30 I went to his house to give him back his hat and his sweatshirt I love so much. So I gave it to him and we talked at the door for a bit. I wrote him an email that day telling him sorry for being so grumpy and telling him that I didn't think that he even wanted to hug me that night, and I think he read that right before I got there because when I said that I had to go meet Niki and Christa at the mall, he gave me a hug and kissed me in one swift movement. I gave him a big smile and left. So I hope everything is ok. Then I met Christa and Niki at the mall and we got pretzels and then went to Lee's and got snacks and ice-cream. Then we went to Niki's and sat on her kitchen floor, eating ice-cream and talking for 2 hours!!!!! Gosh! It took a lot off my mind!!! I love venting! Then we got our PJ's on and went to take pictures at the dance. We saw people we knew, then went back to Niki's and watched Pretty in Pink while eating Loads of junk food! Then I went home! I really really really REALLY needed that!!! Welp, that is all! Hope you enjoyed that, because I really enjoyed that. ~Britney Francis~
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Loving the background... Pretty :)