153-Yackaty Shmakaty!

Listening to: Angels and Airwaves
Feeling: alive
People need to stay OUT of other peoples business! Ok! So if you have ANYTHING degrading to say or something, leave those comments to yourself! So, last night was fun! If you want to know what happened, just go to yousayyoucare's entry. I loved it!!!! But after the movie was over, Erin and her friend left and Landon and I were in her friends basement (Erin kept saying her friend, so I don't think she wants the name published, so that's what he's known as right now)Landon and I were sitting on the couch and talking. Then he put my head on my knees and gave me a back massage! It was AWESOME!!!!! Then he started to look for another movie and I laid down on the couch and started to fall asleep. Then I felt Landon right by me and I jumped a little because it scared me. Then I looked at him and we smiled at each other. It was tender! Hehe! Then he put his face close to mine and we just looked at each other! I loved it!!!! Then I got up and held is hand and we talked! We talked about spiritual things and how important those kinds of conversations are. Then we got on the topic of his mission and how great it is that he's already decided to go! He said to me, "I like it when we have these conversations. Their good and I just feel comfortable talking to you about it." I told him that I felt the same way! Then he went to the bathroom and while he was taking care of that, The "Friend" came back and he gave me this look like, "you two made out...on MY couch!" And I told him before he could say anything, "We did NOT make out! We kissed a few times, but we mostly just talked about spiritual things." And he didn't believe me. Then Landon and him took me home and we had fun out in front of my house for awhile! Then I went inside and smiled a lot! I ABSOLUTLY LOVE this relationship!!!!!!! It's mostly based on the spiritual side of everything because we both know that that is the one thing in our lives that is the most important part!!! I've never had a boyfriend who lifts me up like Landon lifts me up! And I lift him up! But he's not just being more spiritual because of me and I'm not because of him. That's part of it, but it's mostly for our own good and we realize that! He loves the Lord more than me and that is EXACTLY what I've always wanted!!!!! I love being with someone who lifts me up! Today I did the mail route with my Brother Larry!!!! We started at 11:30 and got done at 4:45!!!! I thought I would hate it, but my brother makes it SO much fun!!!! We got soda and he gave me 20 bucks for doing it! It was a blast! Then he asked if I could baby sit for him and I said sure!!! And he said, you can invite Landon if you want. So I did and he said sure. We went to Larry's and Larry and Jay left. Then I got a knock on the door and it was Kyle and Landon. They wanted me to go see a movie but I was sitting on babies. So I couldn't. Landon took Kyle to the movies and he came back and helped me sit on my aunt children. It was Ally, Zack and Kaden! Landon felt awkward for awhile, and then he REALLY loosened up!! He taught the kids how to tickle me! So Landon held me down and the boys tickled me!! GAH! My sides still hurt! Ally couldn't tickle me because she's like...one!! Then Larry and Jay came back and I went to Landons for awhile. I talked to his mom and dad and we all laughed about stuff. His mom said, "I really approve of this relationship because your parents rules are strict!" I laughed and said, "Yeah, It's true." I had called my mom earlier to ask if I could stay, but she wanted to see me and I told Landons parents that and they liked that. Then his mom and dad talked to me about some stuff and we laughed pretty hard! I feel so comfortable around his parents!!! Their awesome!! I just love them! I need to get them a Christmas present and I think I know what I'm getting them!!! Anyway, so I told them goodbye and Landon walked me to my car cause he wanted to get a slurpee from 7-11. Then he kissed me and got this adorable, almost drugged grin on his face and he moved his arms up and down really fast and said, "Yay! Now I'm happy!" I did the same and said, "Me toooo!!!" Then he fallowed me until he got to 7-11 and then we went our separate ways. Anyway, I need to go to bed. YAY for fast Sunday!!!!! It's my favorite Sunday!!! ~Britney Francis~
Read 1 comments
A) I'm glad he's going to go.
B) I'm glad that you are happy
C) I agree that unless you have something good to say then don't say it at all! I, of all people should be unhappy with this relationship, but if Brit and Landon are happy then I can be happy for them! If you were really Brit's friend then you would be happy for her, 'cause she's happy!
Sorry for the out brust, but I was holding that in for a long time.
Have a good day Brit :)