103-Honey why are you crying?

Feeling: unsatisfied
Gosh! I just want to write!!!! What about.......EVERYTHING!!! The good the bad the horrible the sad...........Haha.......I rhymed. But I just can't get everything down!!!! I hate hurting people! I really do! That's why I'm such a push-over....I'm much undecided if I like that or not. It has its up points and it horrifying down points. I don't know........I guess I'm just a softy. *Clasps hands together and looks up slanted wise and bats eyelashes all cute like* Goodness my stomach hurts! I hate it when that happens. It's probably gas or something ;) Haha! Kidding.........maybe So, I really really want Les Mis practice to be right now! But I have to wait until tomorrow. I like so many guys! It's fun......but not. Some are going on their missions, some are Jr's and some are people who either have girlfriends or are going through a rough break up. So, I can't go for the missionaries because their going to be gone and REALLY need to concentrate on their missions. NOT ME! And some are Jr's who are in Les Mis with me and they go to Logan. And the rest I DO NOT want to ruin relationships because those are special and should be left alone! I would never want to ruin that for anyone! No matter how much I like someone! NO! And some are going threw break ups right now, and I don't want the dumped girls to hate me. Especially when they are friends. I would never want to hurt any of my friends at the expense of myself! Never! So yeah. It's hard. And the fact that I can't have one until after high school....personal goal! So yeah. It's hard. Yeah, I'm pretty tempestuous. First impressions are the worst!!!! You're losing flavor! All for one and one for you!! La gente gradisco è Sigh del Ryan, del Kyle, di inseguimento, del Trevor, di Dallan, del Peter, del Josh, di Jared, del Dave J. e del Dave D., desidero appena che potrei trovare quella una persona che verrebbe fino me, getto le sue armi intorno me e mai non desidero lo lascio andare ...... io manco quello…. : ( Inoltre sig.na Landen mólto. Era probabilmente il boyfriend che migliore avessi avuto mai. Era dolce, cute e non seriouse tutto il tempo! Ma quando era, era così cute! Il mio tempo che favorito abbiamo avuti era insieme quando eravamo nel suo grande sacchetto di sonno e quasi siamo caduto addormentato con i nostri nasi che toccano e le sue armi erano intorno me. Allora ha bisbigliato a me, “ti amo„ ed ho desiderato appena gridare ..... perché ho pensato realmente significasse che… sigh… io si domanda se realmente.... arrivederci i miei amici e ti amo tutti! That means, "Goodbye my friends and I love you all." Sorry for the Italian if you can't read it. That's kind of the point. ~Britney Francis~
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Wow. I'm impressed. Where did you just *happen* to pick up Italian?