68-Whatever you make of it

I am so tired! I didn't go to bed until 1:00am last night! I couldn't sleep. I think I have a problem with that. I think it's because I think toooooooo much! Stupid thinking brain! It's like the energizer bunny!!! It just keeps going and going! And that thing gets pretty annoying! Last night..........hmmm.......last night. What can I say about that? Someone came to my window last night. I was glad he came. I called him and told him that I just needed to talk to him, then I hear a knock on my window. I was scared a little, then I realized who it was. We talked a little. I think I did the right thing. I had him leave really soon after he came because at that time my dad comes and changes the water, so he left. But It made me feel good that he came. It just made me feel better about some things. I really don't know why....but it did! Anyway! Lagoon was awesome! We tin foiled the car! That was fun! Lots of memories! I liked it a lot! Moo moo and I didn't have any luck with guys, but this one kid guessed my name on the tram and he got it right the first time!!!! It was funny!!! So, I'm going to go and check the rest of my mail and stuff!!! Love much! ~Britney Francis~ Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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those are cute pictures.
take care..